I (24 F) will be breaking up with my boyfriend of four years (27 M) because I found out he has been taking photos of me naked while I’m sleeping. (I was awake one time when it happened and was just completely frozen in shock).

There’s also a few massive red flags that we worked through in therapy up to this point but now I’m completely done and have my mind made up.

Problem 1: we own a dog together
Problem 2: we live together in one of the only places in this city where a landlord will actually let people have a pet
Problem 3: we co-own a car as well
Problem 4: if one of us moves out of where we’re staying currently, the rent will be too expensive for the one person

Family on either side definitely won’t take the dog. We both work in the city so can’t move too far away. It’s just a bit of a sh1tshow. I’m basically looking for any advice or comfort at this stage. Breaking up will happen when I go home this weekend.

TL:DR My relationship is ending and it’s a nightmare to plan the breakup

  1. BF destroyed the relationship by ignoring the concept of consent. YOU get the right to decide the path here.

    You can get a roommate. BF moves out. The car belongs to the person whose name it is under.

  2. I’ll start with this – what a creep show and douche bag. There’s a special place for him with the guy downstairs.

    Find a good attorney if you two have assets together. It’s worth the fee and hassle to get through.

    Given the nature of what had happened, the attorney will also be used because of the naked photos incident should he use it out of anger or spite. Get this taken care of.

    Keep looking, if anything, for a landlord that will allow pets and affordability to live at.

  3. I’m so sorry you’re going through this! I’d tell “Bill Cosby” that you’ve got the leverage in this situation because what he did was a crime. Don’t let this go, he’s probably done it to other and will do it again.

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