not long term like surgery or working out (those are givens)

  1. I wouldn’t say those are givens at all. For some guys, those are turn offs. Just sayin’

  2. Assuming she already has an attractive body:

    Be clean, Wear tight clothes and show some cleavage

    Flat girls can wear a tight shirt that lets nipples poke through a bit

    Exposed shoulders, and backs

    There are many things that work

  3. Wear clothes that fit or are generally flattering for your body type.

    Don’t go super heavy with make up.

  4. Getting in shape, being pleasant to be around, and wearing flattering clothes will by far have the greatest impact.

    Most people neglect at least one of those things.

  5. I hate to say this but “Smiling.”

    A woman who smiles is a happy woman and happy woman are infinitely more attractive than unhappy women. They’re more engaging too and more fun to talk to.

    Also, just be hygienic. If you’re clean and smell nice, that goes miles for looking better.

  6. summer dresses. glasses. get nice tattoos. have a solid fashion sense that is harmonised with who you are. appropriate and subtle make up. but… in the eye of the beholder. so. who are you trying to look attractive for.

  7. Smile is a good welcome sign and can be a turn on. Resting bitch face isn’t sexy.

  8. Squats! workout and eat healthy…I see ordinary-looking women every day on Instagram with 10,000 plus followers and comments like “omg you so hot!” simply because they work out and take care of themselves…girls who are a 6/10 in the face getting attention as if they were supermodels or something…

    Just take care of yourself and it goes a long way!

  9. Have your thighs touch and you’re probably golden in my book. Better advice would be to dress well, take care of yourself and have a great attitude.

  10. Being herself. I like women who are authentically themselves. Have their own style, not afraid to share their interests, and most of all just smiling.

  11. I’m going to say, wear the right amount of makeup. Any man who says women look better without makeup really means they look better with that “natural” makeup look.

  12. Have a nice attitude.


    Resting Bitch Face is a choice, ladies. Don’t make it.

  13. I’m into metal chicks so I’mma say, choker, good dark eye makeup, and cleavage (even if you aren’t busty, just that skin out there is what I’m talking about) will undoubtedly force me to give a girl consideration. Keep in mind I’m a perv and not likely in line with a lot of guys.

  14. I like natural pesonally…. I dont feel too many women need to change anything…. if they do it should be small.

  15. Be clean

    Don’t be easily distracted

    Wesr clothes that compliment your body

    Don’t look uncomfortable or have RBF

  16. So just trying to speak purely on the physical side. Not trying to offend either.

    Don’t listen to dudes that say make up isn’t attractive, it very much is when done right. Just don’t go so hard on it that you look like a party clown.

    Tighter clothes that are form fitting and flattering, show some cleavage too. A lot of girls be doing the sweater and yoga pants look where I live and at this point it’s super basic. Not telling you to dress like a stripper, I’m just saying find a style you can rock that looks nice.

    Fix your posture, it sounds weird but some of ya’ll be slouching and it looks bummy (I would say this to a man too btw)

    Good dental and personal hygiene, you don’t wanna have bad breath or smell musty. Skin care as well. Get some girly lotion so you got soft skin while also smelling nice.

    On average men prefer long hair, more so if you’re keeping it well kept and not just rocking a messie bun in a scrungy.

    Just personally and i know its not the norm, I like piercings and tattoos too. Not saying go get some just to attract dudes, just saying it’d be more attractive to me.

    This one is probably gonna get me in trouble but again I’m just speaking on what’s physically attractive, if you’re not already doing it, smile more. Maybe you’re already attractive the way you are but come off as unapproachable. Smiling is disarming and let’s them know that you won’t mace them and call the cops when they come up to say hi.

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