My (long distance) boyfriend makes excuses a lot of the time and I find myself feeling unloved, hurt, and disrespected. He gets upset when I bring up concerns and we end up ignoring each other for hours. A couple times I have asked why he wasn’t able to do a simple thing that I asked of him and really tried to understand what went wrong. I’ve asked, but if you really wanted to, wouldn’t you have been able to? Honestly I just feel sad and hurt by his behavior and I don’t know why he doesn’t seem to care to change.

He treats me well and tries to cheer me up when I’m sick or am having a tough time. He’s also been supportive in some of my work. I do love him a lot and he loves me too. It’s just that we have been fighting a lot lately and he keeps saying hurtful things.

  1. Yes, it’s true.

    People who care about keeping their partners, show the effort.

  2. To some extent, yes. However, sometimes life gets in the way and even if someone wants to do something they may not be able to, especially in an LDR. If you’re asking why he doesn’t do something and he responds with a reason then it’s an answer to a direct question, not an excuse. I think more context is really need here. What behavior or things he’s said have been hurtful?

  3. *A couple times I have asked why he wasn’t able to do a simple thing that I asked of him and really tried to understand what went wrong*

    Can you give some examples of simple things you asked of him and what he said when he didn’t do them, please, Op?

  4. Just read your other comments and yes it is definitely true. It’s not normal or ok to engage in sexual activity with someone after lying about getting tested for STD/STI, especially after being specifically asked to get tested; and agreeing to it . What if he has been positive for something and passed it to you because “it’s annoying” . This is a really immature way to be, i wouldn’t continue seeing him.

  5. If *THEY* wanted too, *THEY* would.

    Everyone that wants to be held in a light of being seen as a good partner would do all they can to make a relationship work, regardless of gender. But yes its true.

  6. Ack! Ack! AAACKKK!

    I just read one of your replies, Op! You asking for STD/STI results. Yes. That request is a simple request, imo. Dude, go get tested if you have sexually transmitted diseases. Him hemming and hawing about it? I wouldn’t go to the same bathroom after him. Lol.

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