So I’ve [26F] been talking to the guy [37M] and hanging out with him regularly and being intimate. We didn’t have a DTR talk yet but he told me early on he isn’t ready for one right now. Fast forward, I’ve been kinda busy for like a week and I see him in his car with another girl. I’m kind of upset but I don’t want to jump to conclusions. My question is, how do you deal with feeling like this when you guys aren’t dating yet? Is it time for me to have a more serious talk now since it bothers me seeing him with other people? He jokes about me being with this one guy too, maybe he doesn’t like it either and this is pay back? I guess I have abandonment issues as well, I hate when things are going well just for them to stop being good. Thoughts?

1 comment
  1. Idk, I think if I feel jealous then I’m too attached and need to be exclusive. If they don’t want that then I have to leave.

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