I’m the forever alone loser of the friend group and all of my friends either have girlfriends or girls they sleep with for a long period of time. My friends like to have hang out sessions where they invite their partners or like at events such as birthdays and things their partners are always there.

I feel like when their girlfriends are over I don’t belong. I’m not exactly great at interacting with women in the first place and it feels like I’m a stranger around my friends. They all behave differently with their girlfriends and it seems like the only people they want to talk to is each other. The conversation are always about couple things and it just feels really uncomfortable. Like they’re trying to give me the hint that I shouldn’t be there.

How am I supposed to act around them?

  1. You don’t have to stick around if you’re uncomfortable; I’d definitely up and do my own thing in that scenario. Ought to ditch the forever alone loser thing, though. Labeling yourself is dumb. You’re a person, not a cucumber.

  2. >I’m the forever alone loser of the friend group

    But you DO have a friend group… Not a loser in my book! Just chat with the girlfriends like they’re normal people and ask them to introduce you to some single ladies!

  3. Stick around and hang out like normal. Saying this as a couple that has forever had a single friend on my partners side or my side hang out.

    Please don’t isolate yourself.

    You can do things that partnered friends can’t do. (Go home whenever, meet someone new, honestly it doesn’t matter, just have fun with the group)

  4. Like yourself. Unless your personality sucks. Then act like someone else.

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