Okay, so I have this problem that when I’m out doing something with my friends and taking my boyfriend with me, somehow I never feel like I can divide my attention the right way. I wanna talk to my friends, but not so much that my boyfriend doesn’t feel left out, and I want to talk to him, but not so much that it feels pointless being with the friends in the first place. Now this stuff would probably be easy if my boyfriend was more included in my friend group, but his personality is quite unique (doesn’t resonate with everyone) and sometimes he shuts down and is really quiet/excludes himself in groups. I just wanna have a good time with friends and my boyfriend while they all have a good time as well! Somehow I just don’t have enough social skills for this, though, it seems like I always end up neglecting one party. Any advice on how to solve this would be greatly appreciated!

  1. Would it feel wrong for you to meet them alone? Did you ask him if he wants to join you?
    Why not some compromise where one weekend it’s just you guys and another where it’s just you and friends? (He has other friends that he’d like to visit)
    My GF and I did that quite often and it was never a big deal for us to have different friend groups.

  2. youre a good person. there are some people out there who completely replace their friends for their SO.

  3. You don’t have to switch between your boy friend and your friends you shouldn’t do it like that, what would you do if you have to go out with your friends but also with your boyfriends ? You should first understand that you don’t HAVE too give them the same amont of time. You should get priorities first (advice : choose your friends).

    If your priority is your friend it doesn’t mean that you will give your WHOLE time to your friends. It depends on the moment, on what you want and on the situation you’re in.

    If you do it like that you won’t have to be worried about who you’re letting behind. Also you have to want to have time with them. If you’re giving all your time to your friends and not to your boyfriend because you HAVE to it is bad but if you do it because you WANT it simply means that you want to have time with your friends more than with your bf. Same goes in the other way around.

    Have fun with your friends and your family ! You already want out today with your friends but they still calling you ? You don’t know what to choose but it’s easy choose your bf. You already had time with them so instead of giving them even more time why not also giving your bf some time ? It doesn’t have to be the same amont of time aslong as you’re there for both of them ! It May be hard but you’ll see it will get easier !

    Well I types all of this sorry for writing too much, I hope that it will also help you but it’s kinda hard to explain what I’m trying to explain you… Plus the lack of information don’t help.🥲 Well, bye !

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