I’ve become a very social guy, I don’t say no to a plan and I am always up to conversation. That has made me meet a lot of new people on the last year, and hang out with them ona deeply manner. This would sound as a flex, but I am the guy that has been initiated more times that I initiated, for odd it sounds, so that has never been a problem.

The thing is, that I’ve seen this cycle repeat again and a again: I see a girl I’m attracted to, she looks cute and my type, until she makes something that for me is a red flag the size of China. I can give you 2 very big examples, one of them was an extreme vegan that posted pictures of pigs being killed on IG, and the other is the last girl I was interested on, witch results I just discovered she had a hook up with a friend while he was on a relationship fully knowing it. I cannot stand cheaters and their accompliaces, in any regard.

For me the problem is not the lack of people of the opposite sex, is the lack of quality. Maybe I am a guy with a woman problem, Idk. The thing is, that in the past I will let slide one or two things for the sake of “better to have experiences than none”, but now, I’m too tired for this baggage from the get go. Is like I am looking for traps when knowing someone, bc I know some ugly shit is being covered.

I don’t know if my sentiment is normal or I’m just being a little asshole-y tbh, seeing all this posts about how people don’t even know how to meet others.

1 comment
  1. I like your attitude and it seems healthy to me. You don’t seem too picky in the sense that your criteria are too harsh. Not wanting to date women who sleep with men that are in a relationship seems very reasonable. Have your standards and having options enables you to have standards.

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