I’ve had this friend since I was like 5 and now we barely speak to each other. And now, I’m never invited to his events that include everyone else. Also, I am best friends with his other childhood friend. How should I approach this situation?

  1. It’s always hard in situations like this, especially when you have a long history. My advice is maybe talk to your friend and try and hangout with them, if they want to and you guys hit it off, it was possibly just a rough patch you two were going through and they were maybe just busy or unavailable. However if they seem disinterested and don’t really seem to care, maybe it’s time to reconsider the friendship and decide wether you really want to fight for it. In the mean time try and branch out with some other friends and take some space. Hope this helps idk 🙂

  2. Ask your friend to hang out. If it is awkward let it go. You can actually re approach years later if you play it cool. I have done this.

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