What is something that doesn’t scare most people but scares you a lot?

  1. Japanese drivers.

    Like, it’s terrifying to see them watch TV and play with their phone with their toddler jumping around the back seat as they run a red light, but for some reason nobody else bats an eyelid.

  2. Stupidity. General, idiotic stupidity. No matter where I see or hear or experience it. It scares the wee out of me that these folks eat and drink and breathe along with me and inevitably, interfere in some way.

  3. Climate change. There are a lot of people with a healthy fear of climate change but for me it made me not want to have children. I worry what the world will be like in 50 years.

  4. The fact that antibiotics are becoming less and less effective. Bacteria evolve and mutate and become more resistant. I’m told the best way to do your part in staving this off- if prescribed an antibiotic, finish the entire bottle and kill off whatever pathogen you have.

  5. They don’t scare me a lot, but do put me on high alert….


    As a kid (maybe 8 or 9 years old), I was walking from the kitchen to the deck at a friends house to join the rest of the people already outside. Out of nowhere, their family dog attacked the back of my legs. Drew blood and everything. All I was doing was walking out a door that someone else had just walked out. Ever since, anytime I see a new dog, I’m wary. Dogs off leash are among the worst because I know their owner can lose control at a moments notice (seen it happen). A second incident happened in high school when two neighbors brought their dogs to the bus stop one morning. For whatever reason, these two dogs that had gotten along in the past started fighting. It wasn’t a fair fight because one was a Mastiff. The other dog didn’t survive. Great way to start a school day.

    If the dog is well behaved and the owner takes time to introduce the dog, I’m better. And once I’m familiar with a dog, the dog and I will get along great. My neighbors dog will actually come running if I call it – better than she would for my neighbors because I know they love scratches under the collar, around the ears, and near the tail (all the spots they can’t reach). Dogs can be great and I don’t mind others having dogs. I just want their owners to make sure they’re under control.

  6. I think most people have accepted that they die. I genuinely can’t. I love living and always have. Even whenever I’m miserable the thought of being alive is always nice.

    Ask me again in 40 years and we will see if I still feel the same though lol

  7. Rodents. I can handle a snake or a spider any day of the week but if I come face to face with a little ole mouse, I’m booking. They’re just so damn nasty and creepy to me

  8. People done with a steady 8-12% yearly they want the crazy 25%+ so they invest l/short on speculation. Look at Tesla, old school investors have said for years, a car company not making cars (in mass)is not a good investment.

    I work in tech and am petrified when they learn my company is 100% speculation.

  9. The continuing degeneration of public discourse. It should fucking terrify all of us. Our options as sentient primates are basically: a) talk it out, no matter how uncomfortable it is. Or b) gang together and murder each other to see who is right.

  10. Sitting at the top of basement steps- even when no one is home and no pets are in the house. Just the thought that someone could appear from behind has scared me since I was a child.

  11. Seaweed but only if its wet.
    Its kind of a phobia.

    Also butterflies, moths and any kind of winged Insect that isn’t a fly or a mosquito.

  12. I need to change my answer. Instead of spiders, I will say human beings…they do have the greatest capacity to do harm

  13. The eradication of the natural world to feed a bottomless pit of human desires and insecurities that will never be satiated.

    I just wanna live in a treehouse, man.

  14. Republicans. They don’t care about the country anymore, only the power of government.

  15. Seeing dead trees below the surface of the water. Makes my skin crawl just thinking about it.

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