Why is it more socially acceptable when a woman objectifies a man?

  1. Because some of us are into it and don’t see any negatives to it. What is the worst that can happen there? I might get laid?

  2. Social trends and culture.
    Part of the reason is because women today are more empowered to do this, whereas historically it wouldn’t have been.

    It’s just where the pendulum is swinging at the moment. The ultimate goal (i assume) will be no objectification of anyone.

  3. It’s not acceptable, it’s just looked passed.

    Men typically don’t mind it, because it boosts our confidence.

    We don’t typically get compliments all too often.

    From what I have been told, women want the attention too. They just never get it from the guys they want it from. It’s usually the creepers.

  4. I’d say the average guy is more okay with being objectified. I wouldn’t really care if a group of ladies cat called me for instance.

  5. Society generally gives women a pass on things they would blast a man for.

  6. Ever watch America’s got talent? (It gets put on in my house, I don’t choose to watch it)

    Half of the male contestants put on a lame act but the two women judges are falling over themselves trying to catcall the men so they get to move forward.

    It’s actually pretty gross sometimes

  7. Probably because men are more likely to enjoy the attention, not always, but more likely.

    And because for men it rarely comes with a feeling of fear.

  8. Women are allowed to do whatever they want to men. Ive had multiple times someone just hit me or slapped me because they felt like it and noone did anything other than laugh.

  9. Because some guys ruin it for the rest of us.

    Most people don’t mind a physical compliment or even attention. However if you’re an attractive girl there are often a few people who take it too dar and that leaves a bad taste in everyone’s mouth.

    If you get harassed daily by a douche or two, it’s harder to let your guard down for a friendly or even flirtatious compliment.

    Also men are often more open for many reasons to shallow physical encounters, so again might be more receptive to being objectified.

  10. Probably because it happens rarely so is appreciated. Whereas women get objectified 300x a day and are tired of it all. Ever see that video of that woman walking around new York?

  11. Male sexual desire is seen by society as inherently predatory, thus dangerous. Female sexual desire is seen as fun and positive.

  12. Society doesn’t treat us like an object, but often does for women. It’s not okay to objectify anybody, but for women they have to prove that they are more than an object, men don’t really have to do that.

  13. It’s not viewed as being as predatory as a man objectifying a woman.

    There’s an assumption that any man can put a stop to, avoid, shut down, unwanted attention by a woman because –the assumption goes– after all, men are stronger and so there’s no real threat there.

    When a man objectifies a woman, there is a greater threat of physical danger. Whether it’s being restrained or outright attacked.

    The implication is all that is needed to trigger a sense of “this is wrong.” Plus, you know, the experience of hundreds of years of sexual violence in various forms.

  14. Because men get compliments and appreciation so rarely that they see being objectified as a compliment rather than creepy

  15. Women have to worry about being physically overpowered by a man with bad intentions and poor morality. Many of these double standards like the one you cite flow from there.

  16. I’d say mostly because the majority of men would love to be objectified. Few men, if any, would feel threatened or feel as though a woman will rape them. Whereas, the other way around, women are fearful of being taken or raped. Not that all guys are like that, obviously, but women are also scared of sending off the wrong signal.. like, if they don’t react in fear, guys usually assume it’s okay to continue sexually harassing women. That’s only a fraction of the answer.

  17. the power dynamic is different. If a woman catcalls you, you can shoot her down or talk her up. If a man catcalls a woman, and that woman shoots him down, there’s a chance he’s a fucking psycho whos gonna follow her, or attack her, or murder her. Most of the time, women don’t pose much of a threat to men.

  18. Because men don’t face the same level of threatening behavior from women who objectify them than women do from men.

    This comes up on the internet all the time and you see people whine about how “it’s the same thing when women do it to men.” It might be to some people but men as a whole do not carry the same fear of harm that women do, and for good reason.

  19. Because men are always supposed to like sex no matter the person, time, or place. Which is incredibly stupid logic

  20. There are less expectations for women to adhere to social norms. Behavior that is unacceptable such as rape is reported differently in the news based on gender. Often it is reported like this “female teacher fired for having sex with underage student “. It seems to be an effect from a time in history when women were seen as a kind of property. Not quite a person. Something for parents to arrange a marriage for. Women didn’t get jobs, vote, own business or property. They were a kind of indentured servant for house keeping and for having children.

  21. Woman have less physical strength then men. A man can almost always fight off a woman.

  22. Two reasons.

    1) There is no implied physical threat from the woman being able to physically force the man to perform sex acts.

    2) There is no social stigma for a man (at least among his peers) for sleeping around with lots of random women.


  23. Because who cares? Women aren’t going to like guys cat calling and objectifying them, that’s understandable. If you’re a dude who gets offended at that you are a man child

  24. It’s due to the predatory implication when it’s male objectification of women.

  25. Because we live in gynocentric social order where women have a ton of perks and privileges despite them claiming the otherwise blaming the patriarchy. Simply put laws favor women over men.

  26. People accept it more because it’s a justification for other people who did it before hand. And it has to do with the fact that people’s strive for gender equality and whatnot is not for equality, but for superiority.

  27. Western tradition. Women continue to have the label as “the weaker sex.”

  28. Not making a judgement more explaining how I think it plays out in practice: The difference is because we were raised an feminist propaganda filled environment where the message objectifying women = bad has been hammered into our heads over and over.

    People objectify each other constantly in a variety of different ways and most of it we ignore or consider benign. Since it’s a message we hear constantly, we are more likely to notice / think of it, and the aggregate of all our behaviours leads to less social acceptability for it than other forms of objectification.

  29. Long answer: Because society has always had a problem with looking at women in a negative light.

    Short answer: The Women Are Wonderful Effect.

  30. I was thinking this same thing as I was watching the second episode of the Bachelorette

  31. Women are viewed as weak. Men are viewed as strong. When a man is objectified, no biggie. When its a women, its viewed as a history of attack the weak.

  32. The same reason it’s also socially acceptable for a woman to get a man so drunk he can’t consent and sleep with him.

  33. I think people like to target men for having more rights I myself could care less. I want equality somehow feminism just gets deemed as making men today suffer for the sins of the past. TLDR Men and women deserve the same rights. I just solved gender inequality boom!

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