
  1. I heard you have to go out and do things you like doing and say hello to people around you doing the same thing, lots of yt videos on how to make friends, I’ll be a friend if you like, because I need friends too. We can just text about anything if you want door is open.

  2. I have a friend who probably has depression cause his life is shit. Shitty family and drugs. But he is really socially developed. He told that he just doesn’t care for what people think of him. So maybe try this.

    Also try finding a self improvement summer camp or literally any other type of camp. There try to make friends.

  3. Start by realizing that depression is your body telling you, you’re at the bottom of the hierarchy and you body is dealing with that by giving signals of depression.

    So start by hitting the gym and start working out.

    Make it a routing to do one new thing a day.

    Make it a routing to do one scary thing a day.

    Take a good look at the people in your life. If those are all losers ditch them. You’re better of without.

    Set yourself an easy attainable goal, which can be done in a few hours. Do the work to attain that goal and attain it. Now do it again and slowly over time increase the challenge of the goals you set.

    Go to events or meet ups about things you’re interested in. You’ll meet new people. Talk to them and have some fun.

    Slowly overtime you’ll get better and you’ll get better friends.

  4. Ive had depression twice. First one was for years and i never sought out help. Didnt have friends and didnt have meaning.
    Until i fell into desperation and told myself noone’s going to help me, except myself.
    I dont know how to give you power, but I can give you things that helped me.
    First i started looking up philosophy, optimistic ones, like: when a flower doesnt bloom, you dont change the flower, you change the enviroment it grows in.
    Belive in something.
    Find purpose.
    Set your mind on something and the universe starts to spin around it.
    I found creativity and putting myself into doing something. Like work….
    Now im writing a fantasy book(inspired by my escape from the world). Its not much yet but i hope some day….

  5. Trying out an organized social group can give you an excuse to talk to other people.

  6. I think that there are the obvious answers to this that you probably knew before posting but were hoping for some new ones. I can’t say I know exactly how you feel but you have to have a balance of trying to become healthy (both mentally and physically) and then social interactions. One of the hardest things to do but many (certainly I do) struggle with is coming to terms with the reality that people do not over analyse everything you do, so if you mess up socially it doesnt matter, and tbh who cares what they think, if they don’t like you, you shouldnt be friends. So you should do what you enjoy and make a conscious effort to talk to people and try not to focus on your mental state at that time, but the conversation, and with practise it will become easier. Sorry if this is obvious, but sometimes it helps to read things from another person. You can drop me a message if you want to see if we get along or just want to get something off your chest

  7. The same way you make friends when you’re extremely extroverted. You go out, meet people, talk to them, and if you both enjoy each other’s company you exchange contact info and make plans to do something again.

    As for the depression, that’s a question for a therapist.

  8. I think you should probably start by being a friend to yourself. Cliche, but i assure you it might work. You should prioritize yourself and prioritize treating your mental illness. Be patient with yourself, as you would be to a friend. You should try being your own friend and then talk to other people.

  9. I love my own company. I think it’s starts with being your own friend first- gives you confidence to make some friends afterwards.

  10. I normally try to spend more time with people who don’t make me feel judged and who I don’t have to pretend to be not depressed around. This could be anyone, someone you’ve been overlooking or someone who you don’t necessarily see as a friend but is in your life.

  11. Improve yourself first, build a respectable physique. Take a step back from social media and porn and start meditating and going for nature walks. The only way I know how. I would suggest to Stop taking your meds now or if this works for you, I find they just want you addicted to the shit they want to shovel to you for your whole life. They want you to believe you have a chemical imbalance so they can control you. Take care friend.

  12. Work on not being depressed first. Face your fears. Stop hiding from yourself. Stop lying to yourself. Stop acting like there’s not a long list of things that you hate about yourself and your life right now.

  13. I think fix yourself first , love yourself find hobbies have fun by yourself and eventually you’ll meet people who do the same

  14. This is a hard one.
    Social media makes it difficult as well.
    But is also the entry point for finding things like friends or rather relationships in general.
    Start posting stuff u like and wait for responses on your insta or whatsoever. It might attract people with alike interests. Further, GO TO THE FUCKING GYM!
    U can focus on urself. Get a nice body and eventually become friends with others easily and automatically, just like so. Ur self esteem rises and u aren’t worried about how to collect people but to sustain them. Trust me and believe in the process.
    Side effects are, caffeine addiction, anxiety of not working out every day, a brutally morphed body and connection with people, etc.
    It takes time and effort. But what are u gonna do elsewise? Complaining over miserable social interactions on reddit? Take action and responsibility for ur own sake and… I repeat! GO GYM! NOOOW! Thank me later!

  15. Why do you even want friends in that situation? Staying alone is the best thing one can do when depressed

  16. Go to a counselor and get therapy for depression.
    If u wanna make friends read this book called “how to talk to anyone – Leil Lowndes”
    Stop giving a fuck what ppl think and half ur depression will b cured

  17. When you’re depressed it helps to start with little things. So depending on what your current situation is, make small incremental steps. If today, you said hello to someone, tomorrow ask them how they’re doing. Then subsequently go further and with more people. You’ll be surprised how many people feel alone and are happy to be friends with you. But it does take patience to form actual friendships.

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