My girlfriend (F18) and I (M17) had a conversation about things about each other that make us uncomfortable, and what we can do to accommodate each other.

She asked me if I watched porn when I masturbated, and I said yes because I have a lot of siblings, and it’s hard to find a time that I can masturbate in my bed, and when I do get the chance it’s not for long, so porn allows me to finish quicker.

She told me that it makes her uncomfortable that I masturbate to other people, so I agreed to stop watching porn.

While I could always just say that I stopped and continuing watching it, I want to be true to her and keep my word.

How can I make it easier to masturbate without porn?

  1. Well, porn can be quite addicting. Cutting it out can sometimes be really difficult, but maybe a nice thing to train is to cut it out and get yourself a memory you can finish off to very quickly.

  2. Use imagination to masturbate to. The other options would probably not be okay with your GF.

    Like gone wild audio subreddit, still a person.

    Or nude pictures still a person.

    Hopefully you two have sex often enough that you won’t have to masturbate often.

    Plus you could use male sex toys might be easier to orgasm that way.

    If you literally feel dependent on porn or there is some compulsivity there. Make a note of how much time you spend watching porn a week. Then cut back, reduce by an hour or two. Whatever pace works for you.

    Course your GF is expecting you to quit cold turkey.

    Personally, I would never agree to that on principle and I don’t even watch porn.

  3. I recommend looking up Dan Savage Savage love column and reading his advice. Your partner asking you to stop watching porn is very controlling and a big red flag.

  4. Do you like porn or do you just use it as a tool? If you like it then you need to decide whether to keep watching it or to give it up. If you decide you still want to watch it then you need to deal with your girlfriend’s insecurity of porn.
    Sit down with her and talk about it. What makes her uncomfortable? Does she think she’ll never measure up? Does she believe the porn is impacting your performance in the bedroom? Does she think of it as a distraction from her? You need to address these problems first or you’ll just keep compromising.

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