For example I call friend baymax, as he is has a big body structure and looks quite intimidating at first, but is softie at heart and always looks out for others.

  1. * J-Will
    * J-Dubb
    * J-Wizzle
    * Mallard
    * J.W.
    * Jamaal-hall 19 Feet Tall
    * Forehead
    * Carlton

  2. When were teenagers, my wife called me “fishybear” because I was a swimmer and hairy. Cringe, sure, but it melted my heart every time she said it.

  3. Frankenstein.

    Partly because of my last name. Possibly also partly because I was the class nerd – *if* you think they knew Frankenstein was the doctor.

  4. IHop. I was an offensive lineman growing up and was really fat so I would just lay on top of people or “pancake” people.

    I’m 25 and my dad still calls me “Hop” even at my wedding he gave a speech and called me Hop and everyone was confused at who he was talking about

  5. Got a few friends with nicknames. There is Fathead, we’ve been calling him that for 30 years or so. He has the biggest dome you’ve ever seen on someone. He’s fine with it, hell I’ve heard him introduce himself as Fathead before. Then we got Gravy. He did so many drugs when he was younger we said his brain is nothing but gravy, the name stuck.

  6. • Big Man, Big [my name], Big Man [my name] – all owing to the fact that I’m 6’6″

    • Little [my name] – one particular friend calls me this because of my apparently very kind nature

    • Osiris – was called this by a friend the one time both my arms were fully bandaged (I fell on a brick wall)

  7. Big Mac, macaroni, Mac attack, mac and cheese, Mac daddy D, Mack truck, supermac, Fatmac, mactack, jackedmac, you name it if it has Mac in it or loosely could.

  8. From my parents, toady, because when I was younger I couldn’t take due to complications so I sounded a bit like a Toad apparently

    My dad still calls me it now and im 36!!

  9. “Iceman” – being Icelandic in the USA

    “Boss” – When I was a project manager

    “Fuck Boi” – When my friend saw how many tinder dates i’d ‘met up’ with

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