So she’s a very small person, about 115 lbs and it takes very few drinks for her to get tipsy or flat out plastered. But whenever she drinks she comes up to me or crawls into bed with me and starts asking/begging for me to let her wear my skin and as I say “no” she gets progressively more aggressive.

Not sure what to do besides ask her to stop drinking or to drink less, this isn’t a super often occurrence maybe twice a month but it’s enough to be off putting.

  1. …maybe it’s a form of that “so cute I want to eat it” thing some people get with babies and pets, like she just really really likes you and she can’t handle it…..?….either way, I’m kinda scared for you..!

  2. This made me laugh and spit laugh. I hope you are joking. If not get a restraining order.

  3. Maybe ask her if you say yes what her actual plans are with your skin?

  4. Did you watch Silence of the Lambs together? Have you talked to her when you are both sober about what she means when she says she wants to wear your skin?

  5. Dude, it’s not everything about you… just ler her wear your skin once in a while!

  6. Is this a regional phrase, maybe? Like, maybe she thinks it means something sweet and cute and doesn’t realize that outside of her hometown it sounds very serial-killery?

  7. i think she’s trying to express that she wants to get as close as physically possible. in a creepy way. ask her to clarify

  8. How am I single and this person isn’t is my real question 🙋🏻‍♀️

  9. How often is this happening and has she gotten more aggressive each time? It could very well be a drinking problem and her behavior is scary, I would honestly record her and show her once sober. You need to have a SERIOUS talk with her that she is making you uncomfortable and this isnt cute, she needs to cut down on her drinking and stop the aggressive behavior or you’ll give her an ultimatum. Maybe she’s trying to say she loves being next to you and wants to be physically close as possible, but she needs to say that sober and not dismiss her behavior all together.

  10. While this is freaky and hilarious at the same time, your concerns are valid.

    Tell her when she is sober her non sober state makes you uncomfortable and that you are concerned about your well-being. Hopefully that snaps some sense into her to either stop drinking or reduce it to avoid getting wasted.

  11. Oh! I might have the answer!

    I saw a video trend that was of girls wanting to cuddle even more even though they were laying on top of their partner and basically they’d say “I wanna be inside your skin” I think you’re GF is just doing that but saying it wrong. Either have a conversation sober and ask what she’s feeling when she says that, or next time y’all are drunk give her a bunch of kisses, cuddles, or any type of excessive affection!

    That’s my advice, especially if she’s not being creepy outside of that haha. Otherwise I have no clue!

  12. Typically when my partner and I mention that we want to wear each other’s skin, it’s that we want to cuddle so hard that the skin gets in the way. Typically.

    But I’ve had a few relationships like this. It’s probably something cute that she doesn’t let out when she’s sober because she knows you aren’t that kind of person.

    That being said: Getting super drunk twice a month is a lot. I think I get that drunk -maybe- twice a year. That part might be worth a look.

  13. Is your girlfriend a human or some sort of dark fey? Be very careful agreeing to let her wear your skin.

  14. My wife is the same way.

    She trusts you, she wants to be close to you, she probably has an oral fixation (not a fetish, she just likes chewing on things).

    Your girlfriend is inherently weird, but there’s nothing wrong with that. She might also be dealing with a lot of unresolved trauma, so make sure to give her some space to deal with that as needed.

  15. I know exactly what she means because my boyfriend and I tell each other we want to be in each other’s skin 😂😂 you don’t need to be concerned she’s just infatuated with you. but nonetheless since it makes you uncomfortable communicate that to her!

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