My wife went away for a few days on a hen party. As I’d imagine with all hen party’s they got chatting with a group of guys one afternoon. This led them to spending the rest of the day with said group of guys.

I’d like to think I’m not a jealous person but spending a considerable amount of a day out with another group of guys didn’t quite sit comfortable with me. When I asked a few more questions my wife admitted she had added one of them on Snapchat but that there was nothing in it and she had already deleted him from there when she was at the airport before flying home.

She has promised me nothing happened and I honestly do believe her but the whole spending an afternoon/evening with another group of guys then adding one of them on Snapchat has painted this picture of my wife in my mind that I don’t like!

Just wondering how you guys would react if your husband/wife had done something similar?

Am I right to be annoyed?

  1. Ya you have a right to be annoyed tbh. But if she uses snapchat only for family photos why would she add a guy she just met and will not meet again.

    She said she deleted him so just talk to her about it.

  2. I don’t think it comes down to trusting your spouse or not. I trusted my spouse and then I found out he was hiding things from me. I think having no secrets except good ones like surprise parties and the like is the best policy. If my spouse asked to see my phone, I would have no issue. I have nothing to hide. This is the person I’m building my life with, why would I want to keep anything private from them? Unless I know it’s something I shouldn’t be doing. That’s when spouses want privacy it seems like. This is just my opinion tho. It doesn’t work for everyone.

  3. How is normal at a hen party to end up with a group of guys? Isn’t the whole point of these things spending time with your bridal party? I would probably be equally as upset that they couldn’t have a girls night without it turning into a sausage fest. Lol.

  4. My wife had men in fb commenting on our kids photos and I asked who they where she never would answer well turns out her best girlfriend introduced them guess where my wife lives now ??? So yes question everything

  5. Snapchat is dodgy territory cause stuff disappears, like nakey pics you take for a guy you met on a girls holiday. You shouldn’t ever even meet someone of your preferred romantic gender on holiday while married and give them your contact info. I don’t even think I’d give them my contact info if they were female myself. I just don’t see at all where that’s a reasonable idea. There was nothing in it but she was in a hurry to delete it? Don’t buy it even a little tbh

  6. I do think it’s possible for people to get loaded, flirty, get in a social situation like that and have it ultimately lead to nothing. Some people honestly just get a thrill out of the attention, and that’s not a characteristic monopolized by women, not at all. And I do think the fact that she deleted him right away indicates her regret and remorse. It’s worthy of being upset over, but if it’s not a pattern I think it is ok to take her at her word.

  7. Lol. Dude. Come on. You know what… sorry who… went down. Are you really that naive?

  8. People who are guilty will admit to a small truth just to cover up a big lie. That way, they have relieved their conscious just enough so they can feel like they’ve “come clean” and then you stop asking.

    Trust your gut. Here’s why:
    1. I would never hang out with a group of guys on a girls trip while married. Why the heck am I on a girls trip then? That’s single behaviour.

    2. I would never ever ever ever add some random dude I met on said “girls trip” to my Snapchat if I were married. Why? Because that’s single behaviour.

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