I’m shaking just typing this I’ve become really shy over the years and skittish ( like jumping when people try to talk to me ) school is starting back up soon and I’m scared there’s going to be so many people I don’t know. I want to talk to more people and want to start dating ( I’ve never dated before) but I am scared and too nervous to do anything I am even too shy to talk to my friends usually and it’s becoming a problem it’s like a fear of people I’m especially shy talking to boys or older girls I really need some advice to get over this and be better at talking I never can think of anything to say when I actually am talking and feel very alienated and alone in big groups since I don’t have a very large presence. I am awkward and whenever I do say stuff I am afraid I sound dumb or annoying and that people won’t like me and whenever I do try to confess I always get rejected. And people will always call me pretty so I think it is something with my personality that is driving people away..

1 comment
  1. Heres a suggestion that actually works with managing trauma. Try feeling into your body and your emotions when you are around people. You don’t have to talk to them to do this exercise. Just feel how you feel, what sorts of sensations you feel. Try to label them as pleasant or unpleasant, but don’t judge them because they are just feelings.

    Emotions come and go like a snow globe, allowing the snow flakes (that are your feelings) to settle, will allow you to stay grounded. You want to stay grounded in who you are. When you are grounded in who you are, you do not lose your own sense of self. It is easy to lose your sense of self being caught up in other people’s world. Feeling awkward is just a temporary experience that you are experiencing in life in relation to other people. It is not a judgement, it is only information that is being passed to you.

    If you were to assume that just because you feel the way you feel that nothing is wrong with you, what do you think those feelings would actually mean?

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