were only together only for almost 3 months, I honestly thought we were progressing, I saw changes in him, he opened up to me but theres this nagging feeling inside that he would leave me one day bec. of how the relationship started and the dynamics of it.. Then the day happened..

He opened the door, he went in, grabbed his overnight bag, went upstairs, packed his belongings, walked towards me, kneel and he said..

Im so sorry..

I asked him, are you leaving me today? and he said yes while looking at me.. My heart sank but I wasnt surprised.. He then proceeded to say..

“I dont want to waste your time, I can tell you are looking for somebody who you want to be with longterm and marry you and i dont see myself being with you longterm or marrying you.. Thats the reason I havent introduced you to my people even if i know thats what u want, i just dont see this longterm.. In 2 months time after this project im working on, I am going back to my hometown (23hrs away by land) and I am not going to stay here with you.. I know I can fuck you around for the next 2 months while im here but thats the last thing I wanted to do, and i feel like the more I stay with you the more I deprived you of the person you are supposed to be with bec. i know thats not me.. You are very very kind and very sweet girl, thats why I am leaving today. I cant do this to you anymore.. I am doing this bec. this is the best I can do for you. I have to let you go.

I then held his hand, I cried a little bit and I said,

its okay.. I respect your decision.. I have to honor it and i know.. I cant force a relationship with you.. The thing is I know how it feels to be loved by someone, to be wanted and to have someone who genuinely wants to get to know me and the whole time we were together, I never felt that with you.. thats why all along i knew and its okay.. it was very very hard for me to stay in a relationship knowing one day you will leave me but I stayed bec. i genuinely thought there was a potential.. and if this is the path that you have to take, you have to do it, i have no right to stop you and i will just keep reminding myself that I have my own path to take now too.

He then grabbed his bag, put on his shoes, looked at me the last time with his very sad eyes and left.. He then proceeded to delete me off his social media and blocked me.. I then deactivated all my socual medias and blocked his phone number, we are genuinely moving forward now.. This was 2 days ago.. it has very hard 2 days so far and it will get harder in the next few days but im understanding that in this situation, time is my ally.. and i can feel it in my heart, I am truly ready and determined to move on.

I booked a plane ticket overseas for 1 month and im leaving in 11 days.. It was only a 3 month romance but this guy thought me a lot of things, he was genuinely very kind to me and treated me nice, i wished he treated me bad so i can focus on it and move on quickly but its the opposite.. Now he still have few clothes left in my place and im planning to drop them to his doorstep tom. and with a little note saying I will contact him in a month time after my overseas trip to organise picking up my things thats left in his house, before he come back to his hometown and when im in the right emotional headspace..

Guys.. this sucks but i can only trust the process.. Thank you for all the advices I received here and I know some of you I stressed out with my problem with this guy, I genuinely apologize.. This will be my last post for a while! I will take months off from dating, pls. continue to be awesome and keep rocking. I love you all.🙂

  1. It’s ok to feel those feelings, and you don’t need to feel silly because it wasn’t super long. Some short romances can impact us more than ones that are 10x as long.

    Better things ahead, maybe overseas. Use the next 11 days to grieve and have the time of your life on your trip!

  2. This is one of those love lessons that we all need. Better to hurt now and move on to the person that will be with you long term. Good luck out there

  3. Sending hugs. It’s painful for sure. But at least you were brave, lady. For opening your heart, for trying, and being hopeful. Take the time to grieve and then try again sometime.

  4. On the plus side, assuming your profile picture is real, I have absolute certainty you’ll have no shortage of suitors when you do get back out there. Good luck.

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