Possible Trigger Warning ⚠️
Domestic Abuse

I should mention first that I have lived with my mom on and off for quite some time but we had an arrangement after I had my baby. I’m going to school to try to get my massage therapy certificate and hopefully find a job that I can afford housing with since I live in a big city.

I got pregnant about 3 years ago and my sister and her BF at the time we’re using meth in the house. My Mom finally kicked both of them out and it was like a huge weight was lifted. Anytime she came around after that my mom would tell me and I would stay inside and she would meet her outside. Essentially, there has been some sort of separation. With that being said, I love my sister very much and I’m very close with her sometimes but I really hate what she has become and I think I’m starting to hate my mom.
I know she loves her daughter and she wants to see her safe and all of that but I think she just made a very dangerous decision and now I’m waiting for the breaking point

This is pretty emotional for me to write so I’m sure I left out a few details but the gist is: my mom and I (and my 2yo baby) had to move out of the house we were in (landlady was selling the property asap) and we had to be out very quickly. We weren’t getting much help from friends so my sister suggested that she come over and help with her friend (40ish male).
They did do a….fast job – but who doesn’t when you have “assistance” like that. Now they won’t leave!!!
I had a Coke habit for 2 years on and off when I was 18. I hate the stuff. I and not a fan of any drugs hence my passion for holistic health care – I don’t believe they’re using meth in the house but I’m no idiot to the sounds of trying to cover something up or clean at 4:00 a.m.
The reason why it doesn’t distract me is perhaps the most enraging. This is a three bedroom one bathroom house. There is a large garage that was converted into a studio and well taken care of up until now. They have literally nested and the text from my sister said that they “are not leaving.”

I can’t access any of my personal things like my massage tables and equipment! So many valuable books and electronics. Even if I forget the invasive feeling of having my stuff ransacked every day it doesn’t even come close to the uncomfortableness I feel with these two particular people around my baby.
About two weeks ago my mom thought that I gouged the hardwood floor – turns out it happened when my sister’s bf was moving the washer and dryers for no reason! My mom fractured my hand by pushing me out the door with a coffee cup in my hand. As someone who is practicing massage therapy, you can see how this is getting a little bit more discouraging.. it’s been in a brace for a week but it’s not feeling better.
My sister and I have gotten into two (physical) fights in the last week. I know Krav Maga and since there was not a place for me to run I was in a state of mind I was not prepared, or expected, to be in. I dodnt want to hurt her, just tried to stop her.
If I react as a threat then I keep going and it’s going to get really bad since there’s no where to run. The second time it happened I had a bag ready and after the fight I was able to leave with the baby.

I tried getting out the door one day and was blocked in by my mom who would not let me leave. I know she was either doing drugs with them or by herself because she was totally absent in the eyes. I’ve never seen her talk to me like that before and she bowed up at me, expecting me to hit her. I started to Gaslight her later – saying, “you were just keeping me in the [studio room] so they could steal from me, weren’t you?” Whether this happened or not I don’t want to practice this behavior. Feels like I can only fight gas with fire at this point.

They have gaslighted me so much into thinking that everything I do is disrespectful to my late step father who owned the house before my mom inherited it. Mom guilt. “You’re a….” you get the idea. Yelling this in front of baby, which made my little so upset.

If this is tldr then here’s the gist.. my mom let my sister move back in after 3 years with some strange man
– don’t even know his last name
– My sister is starting to steal from me again
– both are on drugs and refusing to leave.
– I have a 2 yo baby who I refused to bring this shit around but her grandma thinks it’s okay.

I do not have steady income yet and I know I need to get out of our new house as soon as possible which is very discouraging/depressing every day.
How do I deal in the meantime?
My baby literally cries every time she sees them. Probably because they look like skeletons and ghosts and carry horrible energy.
I know (now) not to engage with gaslighters. I haven’t been speaking to them at all. I’ve been trying to make my room nice so I have a place to go but it keeps getting invaded. I have to take all of my valuables accept my baby and my dog with me in my car. How do people deal with this? There’s no way I’m calling the cops. My name is not on the deed. My mom has literally held me down while my sister punched me in the face repeatedly. My mom refuses to acknowledge or apologize for the fact that she hurt my hand. I’m getting further behind on my Hands-On stuff for my massage school. So it feels like my options are purposely being eliminated or inhibited.

I can’t/refuse to deal with this anymore and I don’t know how to readjust.
Every single wait list in the city and the surrounding areas are closed. This is the only place I have to go. I’ve talked to two friends about a possible roommate situation and with inflation and housing prices it’s kind of something that’s hard to jump on when you have no savings and no income.

Thank you for reading. Sorry if it’s a little out of order but this is very emotional for me to convey.

  1. Try a woman’s shelter? You CANNOT keep your baby in a house with drug addicts. If you can’t move, can you at least find a temporary solution for the baby?

  2. Call CPS on yourself anonymously and have them force out the drug addicts.

    Call the police anonymously, I am sure homeboy has open warrants.

    When the safety of kids is involved, nothing else matters.

  3. I am so sorry you’re going through this. My mom was/is a meth addict and their personalities are so scary and unpredictable. I hope that you can get out as soon as possible ❤️

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