I am always surrounded with people that talk badly of me in front of others.

For example, when my family got the flu, my parents would tell their friends it’s because I ordered spicy chicken roll on the day that we got the flu and the guy making the spicy chicken roll was not wearing a mask. I mean there could be a lot of reasons why we got the flu like for example we also went to the doctors but they always just shift the blame on me, they said how spicy food lowers immunity but the funny thing is I asked if she wanted the spicy chicken roll to be spicy and she said yes.

Same thing happens at school. I don’t really have any close friends at school – I guess I don’t fit in or my English is not the best or something…maybe that’s why I am an easy target for them to talk badly about me in school. They make remarks about how dating me is nasty or about how I am a liar because one time I lost a gift card that I was going to give to a classmate for secret Santa (I genuinely lost it).

I was like fine, classmates are strangers. But one time I was hanging out with one of my close friends and she brought another friend and she started talking trash about me behind my back – well not really behind my back because she was loud enough that I could hear her so I guess that counts as just talking badly of me in front of others. Needless to say she was not my friend anymore.

My general observation is that these people are doing it to look good or feel superior (when they are not). So I tried to confront my parents and it seems like they never really change no matter what so now I just let them say whatever they want because I don’t wanna waste my time anymore. And it’s also annoying how they always throw a speech like “we’re a family I did so much for the family can’t you be a little understanding.” Basically they are not sorry and therefore will not change.

If my friend does it, then she is not my friend anymore. If a stranger does it, then I just let them talk because they are only embarrassing themselves in my opinion and I am not going to see them after a while so there is no point. Is this the best way to deal with these kinds of people?

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