I (f21)never check snap maps but had a strange feeling today while at work. Snap maps showed my partner (m22)of 4 years at a random house. It’s a house just off a main road that we drove by this morning when I dropped him home before I left for work.
Could snap maps just be inaccurate or do I have something to worry about?
I did ask him what he had been up to today and if he’d been out for his grocery shop but apparently he’s been home all day.
What’s everyone’s thoughts on snap maps?

  1. My only experience with snap maps is photos of it showing people in the middle of the ocean. Most of whom were not in the ocean. Take from that what you want to.

  2. If it’s anywhere close to somewhere he could regularly be, don’t worry about it.

    I have to have GPS on for my job and when I check my mapped locations on my job app it’ll regularly tag me at random houses nearby the place I actually was. GPS is not always super accurate.

  3. I hope I don’t get attacked for saying this but woman’s intuition is real in my experience. There’s a reason you got a funny feeling and instantly had the need to check his location. Has he ever lied to you before? Is there anything he’s been doing that would make you believe he could possibly be hiding something? When you guys are together maybe check his location see if it’s refreshed. I have only ever seen snap maps precisely where people have been. On the other hand I have seen pics on ig or other social media like others have said in the middle of the ocean. Best of luck and I really hope you get to the bottom of this.

  4. It has been known to be wrong sometimes, however its usually pretty reliable. Glitches like that tend to happen more than once, so you may have an opportunity check in person. You’re justified in being suspicious in the mean time, especially if you believe your partner to be the disloyal type.

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