Hi there (20F)! My partner( 22M) have a tenacity to hide multiple
social media accounts from me by blocking my mind account so I have no chance to see anything, but he always use the same username so I know it’s him, I tired
to speak about it but he get extremely on the defensive we also broken up because of this he also said that internet is different from the real life and can do whatever he want, sure his secrets social media account doesn’t seem to be full of stuff I don’t want to see of but I just don’t understand why he need to create another account and block me, sure he can have his own privacy on internet, it just hurt my feelings a little bit can I be upset about this?? Also sorry for my bad English

TL;DR! My partner his hiding multiple social media account from me can I be upset against him or he’s right to do this

  1. It seems strange to be so secretive if nothing bad is on there. I understand privacy though. I can see both sides.

  2. I really don’t get where people get the idea that the Internet is some kind of private space or different world.

    People who get upset when folk who know them see what they post, as though their family or colleagues or bosses or teachers might not accidentally find it either? I don’t think there should really be a place in a relationship where someone feels that it’s okay to post things for random strangers but somehow consider a partner seeing it as a violation.

    The bottom line is that like in real life, hiding stuff from your partner tends not to be particularly good behaviour and it’s probably something quite sketchy. Secrets tend to kill of relationships so it’s up to you whether you chose to ignore the flags or not.

  3. Definitely a red flag – especially if he’s getting defensive.

    You can of course be upset at this!

  4. If he goes out of his way to block you like that every time he makes an account I’d feel hurt too. No one does that unless they have something to hide. It may not have anything to do with you or affecting you badly personally but still. If you’re dating someone they should be themselves in front of you right?

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