I just moved from Dublin to London this month. The renting market is insane but I’ve been through that in Dublin as well so I thought I can deal with until my experience with the agent yesterday.

1) I asked the agent about a newly added house on their website and they said it’s gone before it went live on website(then why did you put it up? Bait and switch?)

2) Agent said they have another property and asked me to view it on the day I call him. Had tons of meeting but still agreed. However, the agent made me wait 20 mins and then need to grab the key in another office. During the viewing he was trash-talking about the previous customer who was viewing 2 different properties and took a longer time. Big red flag

3) The very bad taste is that the one-bedroom apt is 1400 pm excluding CT in Acton which near to Ealing tbh. It’s a spacious apt despite the cummute to my office but I like it so I made an offer immediately and filled in the application form. BUT once he saw my salary, he wanted me to increase the asking price. I was very strict about my budget and told him that’s the final price I can give and had made that very clear in our initial conversation

4) He called me again hours later asking me to increase the asking price. I was bit pissed but still said unfortunately I need to save money so I am not gonna do it. His tone went from extremely “helpful” and “considerate” to cold and ended the call with “ok”.

5) I asked him today is there update and he’s been ghosting me lol. I am just curious, I made an offer immediately after the viewing and it was a 2 year contract which is quite a commitment. I think that shows my sincerity. Just curious what’s the deal with these agents in London? This is a rental market so increasing asking price is not normal at least in Ireland.

Any thoughts guys?

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  2. > it’s gone before it went live on website

    Unfortunately common. Things can go the same day as they come in, and they can give clients on their call list the heads up while it’s still being processed onto the websites.

    The rest can be summed up by the fact estate agents are cunts.

  3. Most estate agents are wankers, this one graduated from his class with first class honours

  4. 1. Normal.
    2. What’s the question?
    3. 4. 5. Normal atm. Many prospective tenants are entering into bidding wars for rental properties. You didn’t up your offer. Agent knows you’re not going higher, so why continue talking to you about your offer?

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