I’ve\[19M\] been working on my social anxiety lately and did things i thought i never could, started going to the gym and i talked to a girl on the phone for 1.5 hours. But despite those things, i am still so scared about the future, what am i going to do when my uni starts? i don’t want to sit in my dorm room all day because i am scared to go to club activities. It’s eating me up inside, i really want to talk to that girl like a normal person does. I want to practice talking to people but i don’t know what to do and so scared.

  1. Practice short conversations with the people you see throughout your day. You can say “hello, how’s your day going?” to almost everyone you meet.

    My town has a program where native English speakers and ESL speakers meet at the library at a certain time. It’s meant to help the ESL people with their conversations but you would really benefit too. Check with your local newcomer welcome society for volunteer opportunities.

  2. Here is an exercise for you. Open all doors in your house, stand in your living room while your family is around. Call the girl and leave her on speaker phone. When she picks up, ask her out by saying “Hi Jane, it’s always so nice to hear your voice. I want to see you soon. Let’s go out this Thursday qt 8”.

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