What are some nice ways to “bail” on something because something else came up?

  1. Almost like you said it already. “I’m sorry, but I’m not going to be able to attend because I had another matter pop up unexpectedly that I have to address.”

  2. Just say you have another engagement and won’t be able to make it. Leave it at that. You dont need an explanation to do with your time what you wish.

  3. My husband and I have a mutual agreement that we can always use each other as an excuse to not have to do something else.

    “Sorry I can’t come to your place, my husband is sick and he needs me to get him hot and sour soup and cold medicine.”

    “Sorry, I can’t come into work today, I have to take my wife to the dentist for a really gnarly root canal.”

  4. Agree with the others. Plus when applicable, offer to cover your costs. Obviously not all scenarios would require it but if the host has put money down for something or whatnot, I will offer to send them $ to cover my portion of the deposit or whatnot. Id usually try to avoid explaining what the issue was to avoid anyone trying to argue which is priority, but if it would help smooth things over I might explain it. I just feel like its a slippery slope then for someone to try to argue back that plan A is more important because xyz. So

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