What would you do if two years into your relationship you found out your SO gave you an STI?

  1. Go to doctor and get meds. Ask SO to go to doctor as well and see if it could be cured.

  2. 1. Find out if SO knows they have an STI.

    2. If they don’t, find out why SO was so arrogantly stupid that they didn’t get checked.

    3. Find out if SO is faithful or not.

  3. Depends what is the STI. (Herpes/Shingles) are dormant. Its in 90% of the population. If its something else like Gonorrhea (then I would be a little more worried)

  4. I found out three weeks into a relationship my SO gave me herpes. I was wearing a condom, and she claims she didn’t know she had it. I choose to believe her, because if I don’t, it means I have to second-guess everything else about her behaviour, and other than that, her behaviour otherwise is too consistent for me to want to do that.

    Such is life, and these things happen. All that aside, she is pretty awesome, herpes won’t kill me or even effect my life too much, and it’s not like I can catch it twice!

  5. On our second date, my now-wife admitted she had herpes (from her cheating ex-husband). It was dormant but she felt she needed to tell me…She was crying and thinking I would end the relationship, I was just thinking “oh god she wants to have sex with me, I can’t believe it since she is out of my league”…..regardless we used protection for a while but not once we were married. We have been married 18 years now, by now I probably have a dormant case but couldn’t care less, I have no plans to sleep with anyone else.

  6. That depends how it happened. If it’s due to cheating I’d consider legal action, but if it’s just an honest mistake where they didn’t know they had the disease I’d just consider it a part of life.

  7. I’d break up with her because as soon as we were in a relationship I asked her to get checked for STDs and she was completely clean. If I got an STI from her two years into our relationship it would mean she got it from someone else, so she cheated.

  8. If it happened then that would mean she’d had been unfaithful. So now I’d be going through a breakup and I’d have an STD. I’d probably just stew in anger for a while then try to get the proper medical treatment for my condition.

  9. Which one, and when did I get it? If I suddenly got an infection 2 years into the relationship and we’ve been having unprotected sex, I assume she’s cheating and out the door.

    Is it HPV? An alarming number of people have that and have no clue. There’s not even much of an indication you should get tested for it.

  10. Depends on which STI we’re talking about.

    Herpes? Not a huge deal. Shit happens. I’d shrug my shoulders and forget about it. If we’re in an exclusive relationship and we both have it, it literally doesn’t matter.

    (I mean, I’d keep that information in my back pocket for if we ever broke up and I had to disclose it to new potential sexual partners, but otherwise I wouldn’t be particularly bothered.)

    HIV? I’d probably be pretty pissed and hate her forever.

  11. Depending on the sti, and the circumstances. I might end the relationship. If it obviously came from infidelity, it’s done. No questions asked, no discussion.

    If it could have been something dormant, and I had no indication infidelity was involved, we could work through it.

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