The most I’ve ever gotten inside my vagina is my entire (i think it was my entire) index finger. However, at a certain point, I just feel something weird in there? I’ll try to describe it as best as I can:

At first, I am able to (relatively) smoothly guide my finger inside along the canal, but once nearly my entire finger is in, I suddenly feel something weird? It’s like a bump. Of course, my first thought was that this was my cervix, but I don’t understand how I’d be able to feel it with my finger?

The average penis is longer than my finger, so how am I supposed to have sex if my vagina ends within like 2 inches?

  1. It’s the cervix. I can feel it with my index finger in my partner. I don’t hit it with my penis, you’re fine.

  2. The cervix is not really the end of the vagina, it’s what connects the vagina and uterus. In some positions, the penis will hit the cervix. In others, it will slide past it (look up the A spot and P spot).

    The cervix actually migrates positions within the vagina depending on where you are in your cycle. Remember that pregnant women get their cervix checked frequently with a finger.

  3. I don’t know what the ridge you’re feeling is called colloquially or anatomically, but I think it’s where you get the gspot stimulation. It’s bumpy, and slopes upwards as you move back. Totally normal!

    Edit: unless Im misunderstanding what you’re describing, which is totally possible. Other commenters sound like the know wtf they’re talking about.

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