Miller was one of the first beers I used to love when I was in my binge drinking youth phase. You used to be able to get a big crate of it in Tesco’s for less than 20 odd quid if I remember correctly. Whatever happened to it? Only place I’ve seen it recently is a 6 pack in my local petrol station for like 7 quid! I should reiterate that I mean Miller Genuine Draft, not that garbage Miller Lite stuff haha

  1. Wow, forgot this existed. I remember buying it 10-15 years ago. TBF it tasted rank, if you thought that was good beer, then I don’t know what to tell you.

  2. Thinking about it, I haven’t seen it in a while. Must not have been a big seller.

    On an unrelated note I’m really enjoying that Ukrainian charity beer right now. Hope they keep selling it here after the war.

  3. You can usually get it in person in Morrisons, just got myself a big case. It was discontinued in the UK a while back but Morrisons always seem to get it in. I’ve often wondered if certain stores actually import it, because I’ve also seen huge cases of tsingtao cans which I’ve literally never seen anywhere. I know miller gets a lot of stick but it’s easy drinking, like liquid cake

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