Been confused and thought I’d ask here.

Edit: I asked her out and she said yes. However, she postponed the said date multiple times. I simply thought she wasn’t into me. Sometime later, she texted me saying “I felt like talking to you” and we had a good conversation. The other day she asked me if I was free to hang out and I said I was travelling for work to which she replied “Let me know when you’re back. I’ve been wanting to see you since early last year.”

I certainly am attracted to her but if she did want to see me so much, why did she postpone. I thought I’d ask her but decided it’s not something I’d wanna talk about on text.

  1. Make a move. If she rejects you, then you know she isn’t into you and move on. After that, it’s on her to make the move if she actually does like you

  2. Honestly, move on. Women like that like to play with mens feelings for attention. Not worth your time. More heartbreak than happiness

  3. I don’t, for a simple reason: Every ‘no’ permanently overrides every ‘yes’, therefore there is no such thing as mixed signals for me – only ‘yes’ and ‘no’.

  4. The well-known method of reeling in to keep you hooked on. She does it to keep you around and give her attention when her top options aren’t available. If she was actually interested in you, she’d constantly make it clear and you wouldn’t be questioning yourself.

  5. Check nonverbal verbal cues. She could just be, being nice.

    Does she touch you when you converse? Laugh at any little thing? Mirror your body language during extended conversations? Fidget with her hair or some other accessory while you talk?

    What sort of things makes her seem “extremely into you”?

    Some of these things can also be faked, so pay attention to the cadence of her voice and listen for sincerity.

    Everyone will say ask her out or don’t deal with her at all, but you can use this opportunity to improve your social acuity. Good luck OP.

  6. Your her second choice, she was seeing someone else aswell, now that he left, she wants to see you. Block her

  7. Shes a lost cause as far as romantic relationship. If you have a decent friendship, it’s up to you to keep that. If not, forget about her.

    She’s either extremely conflicted, immature, or both. Either way, it’s not worth the stress.

  8. Step 1. Get message.

    Step 2. Jerk off

    Step 3. See how interested you are after you jerk off.

    If you’re still interested, well done, you seem to like her.

    If you’re not, well there’s your answer

    Edit: DO NOT fap to her or her picture (if you have one) as youll end up linking her to your enjoyment.

  9. Run! Probably bipolar, confused, narcissistic and a couple other things all rolled up into one.

    Possible you’re her second/third choice. Also possible she just likes the attention.

    She sounds like someone I had to deal with and it was no picnic. Lot of stress. OP, this person will act hot and cold non-stop just focus your attention and effort somewhere else.

  10. She’s using you for validation with no intention of giving you a chance to be something more. Move on. Don’t talk to her anymore.

  11. Ghost her. Move on with your life. Improve yourself. Focus on what you like. Fuck all those mind games

  12. You don’t. Leave that alone fam.

    You don’t need that flakiness in your life.

  13. It has happened to me and its a big red flag. You’re most likely just sn option to her. In my case i was being played with this exact game and after getting fed up i confessed to her about ny feelings and i was rejected shortly after left to questioning myself like why did you show interest then? This game man it hits you hard. Just call her out on her stupid behavior and leave

  14. Don’t bother with her. She is wasting your time at worst and at best she has no idea what she wants.

  15. I’d rather put my dick in a cactus than playing those kind of “game”.

    I you are interested in me, tell me you interested. Don’t play a game that a lot of men don’t play.

    But hey if you’re into than kind of thing, you do you

  16. She’s keeping you hanging on as a backup incase the guy she actually likes stops talking to her.

    Cut your losses and move on.

  17. Woman here; don’t bother with this person. She’s trying to act all coy and play ‘hard to get’ to keep you chasing her. Don’t waste your time with someone who plays such immature games.

    Men and women are the same in this way – when we want to be with someone, we make the effort to be with them.

  18. Stop initiating contact. If you want to talk to her when she reaches out the do it. But don’t ever text her first or offer to hang out. Then find other girls to talk to and actually date properly.

  19. You’ll know if a girl likes you.
    It shouldn’t be that complicated already maybe. However, if you really like her, ask her what’s up!

  20. Back when I was single, I would give women two chances. I understood if something came up and they had to cancel for some reason. It only happened a couple of times but if that happens I would make an offer to reschedule. If they for some reason would not have committed to making new plans or canceled again, I would have just moved on. If they were still interested, it’s up to them at that point to reach out to me.

    Don’t let women play games with you and have some self-respect. If you don’t demand the respect of your time that I am sure others want from you in return, then that’s your fault.

  21. Either she is fucking with you, using you as a contingency plan if something better fails to happen, or is not comfortable saying no to you directly.

    I would walk away from it.


  22. Set a date in stone and if she tries to postpone again or just doesn’t show, walk away. Women who play these stupid get-away-closer games are usually bad news if not full-blown narcissists and the longer you indulge them, the worse it’s gonna end. For you.

  23. Don’t deal with her, she is just acting according her own insecurities, it’s a thing that immature people do.

  24. That’s not a girl you take seriously, bud. You are AN option for her. If she actually liked you, you would know it.

  25. You travel for your job, you offer security and the ability to do what she wants when you’re away.

    You’re being groomed.

  26. Women are not as complex as they seem. If you’re what she wants, she’ll put the time in.

    If she’s doing stuff like this, she’s stringing you along for some other reason.

    Or, it’s entirely possible she just really was busy all those other time. Only way to find out is to get to know her better and see how she really is.

  27. Don’t actively contact her. She’s running you hot and cold. You’re probably listed as “Free Dinner” in her phone. If you want to see her on the side by making it only minimal effort, then that’s fine, but otherwise focus on yourself and other more fruitful endeavors.

  28. Oh, that’s easy. Block her in all social media and on your phone and move on and go meet other women?

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