I’ve always been asking myself this, is it okay to keep pictures of people you had something going on with? Even if it ended on good or bad terms? I personally keep them for the sake of memories if it ended badly, but lately I figured maybe it isn’t a good idea because you keep holding on to certain emotions that feed your desperate hope and gives you ideas that ruin your serenity. What do you think?

  1. Stash them in the back of your closet, so to speak. So that they’re not oppressive, yet, are accessible if needed or wanted.

  2. I’m in the No Contact camp, which for me means I also don’t keep any photos of an ex. I’ll sometimes keep photos of myself where it was an outing with an ex, if I like how I look in it.

    It’s easier to maintain my peace of mind, and mental/emotional energy, without anything significant like photos as a reminder.

  3. I stored them for a while. Once I got engaged I was going through things for our move and that’s when I got rid of all of them.

  4. I don’t see the problem. After some point, everyone has a past.

    I have a couple exes that I still wish death upon. I destroyed absolutely any physical manifestation of our relationship. It’s a strange burden. I’m okay with my SO having fond memories.

  5. I personally deleted all pictures of myself and my ex and of my ex. It’s in the past.

  6. I have photos but I’m not really actively keeping them I don’t look at them and only see them when I’m searching specifically for something. I should delete a lot of photos not just exes.

    However, I’ve always deleted nudes etc as soon as there is a break or anything without being asked. I haven’t been asked ever, but I think a few times I have mentioned i’ve done it, not always because it feels a bit weird to mention.

    In some ways that is me accepting it is over and that’s early on. I don’t often go back to relationships after their over either. Like once it happened and it didn’t work out.

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