What does it mean to love someone?

  1. To wish them happiness in life, whether that involves you being in their life or not.

  2. To have someone in your life who is the first person you want to talk to in a morning and the last person you want to talk to at night.

  3. I was just explaining this to my teenage son—that ‘love’ is ultimately a choice rather than a ‘feeling.’ Sure, there are the feelings of love—the longing to be with that special person, the desire you have to know them more deeply, be with them intimately, etc. But what happens when those feelings fade? Is love gone? Did you fall out of love?

    I explained to him that feelings are unpredictable, but we have an impact on our love relationships based on the choices we make. I choose to love his mother everyday; that includes when I’m upset with her, unhappy with her choices, or not feeling particularly ‘in love.’ The love I have for his mom is renewed each day because I make a conscious choice to renew it—to find joy in my decision to be committed to a loving ideal. So, what does it mean to love someone? It means to make a choice to do so, and let nothing or no one stand in the way of that. As far as how you define love, is between you and your partner to communicate about.

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