Especially from the perception that you have nothing better to do. Looking to gain more context on this.

  1. You shouldn’t confuse being available and open for a relationship with having no life and wanting a partner so desperately that you get overly attached and committed before even knowing the person you’re dating.

  2. It all depends on why you are too available. You will be perceived negatively if it’s because you make other people the center of your life and have nothing else going on in your life. Also, people will view you negatively if you constantly beg and chase people for their time, attention, approval, reassurance, and/or validation, especially when they can’t give it to you for whatever reason. People know when you are attached to them. There are tell tale signs of this. People are hardwired to be repulsed by neediness and desperation. They gravitate towards somebody who is self confident, brings positive vibes, and is well rounded in life to not depend so much on social interactions. You need to be genuinely busy in your life focusing on your goals and hobbies while interacting with people on the side. People love to see active confirmation you are actively doing things in life besides just talking to them. Chase excellence, not people.

  3. I mean if by too available you mean time wise. You could just be organised and time efficient…

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