I(Male 20) used to be repulsed by sex then I met someone(Female 18) and it sort of unlocked it for me and I was fine(it’s a long distance relationship…) for about a year but now I feel broken. I still get horny but not even my gf can make me… finish…
I go to nsfw subreddits to just clear my head but it’s becoming a problem…
I’m sorry i didn’t know who else to ask

  1. What about you makes you feel broken?

    NSFW content in moderation is okay but using it constantly is not.

  2. There is a big difference between in person attraction and long distance attraction and trust me I’m sort of a long distance expert if you will. Anyways if you can close that distance and be in person the attraction can definitely change and increase. Don’t feel bad about needing to get off other places. Long distance relationships are tough especially sexually. My best advice is try to close the distance as soon as you can that is the first step and it will make things so much better.

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