When you are asked if you want your receipt or not after a purchase , what determines your answer?

  1. If I think I’ll need to return for a mistake or to return the item later

  2. If there’s a chance I might return the items. I don’t need a receipt for a donut.

  3. The size of the purchase, if I feel like I may want to return said item, if I need to show someone else/need proof of purchase.

  4. I have absolutely no system. Whatever my heart feels in the moment. Unless I need a receipt to keep in my car in case there’s a spider that needs killing.

  5. 1. Do I need a receipt.
    2. If not, then does the business look shady enough that I care whether they think I’m keeping track of what I spent there

  6. Depends if I need to pay tax on it or not on supermarket purchases it doesn’t matter

  7. Is it the kind of product I could need to return, if that applies at all. Obviously it does not apply with a service.

  8. If im buying anything that may not function properly, like electronics for example.

  9. Food: Virtually never, especially if it’s something I’ve gotten several times before.

    Anything else: Will I need to return it? Is it a work expense? If yes, want. If no, don’t want.

  10. two reasons: i may return it, or im on the road for work and need them for expense reports. its funny for years i would buy a coffee or sandwich and be like “wtf why are you offering me a receipt why would i need this?” and then i started traveling and it was like “excuse me?! this girl *didnt* offer me a receipt for my donut? what is wrong with this world”

  11. If the purchase is something I’m trying to keep under wraps, like an axe, duct tape, large black trash bags and bleach, then I’m probably going to turn down the receipt.

  12. 1, if there a bar code to scan for rewards.

    2, if I’m curious on any of the pricing.

    3, do I need to store it for warranty or return purposes?

    If none of the above, don’t need it.

  13. I always take the receipt. I never do anything with it, but merchants should know that cheating will get noticed.

  14. Consumables, so to say, until I am sure it’s not spoiled and I can return it, everything else till the warranty expires

  15. If I’m in a place I shouldn’t be, I’ll pay in cash and refuse the receipt so there is no trail to be found. Otherwise, I usually take the receipt.

  16. If the product is one time use or long term. If it’s long term I will keep my receipt

  17. The only case when I do take receipts is electronics, because receipt is usually basis for warranty.

  18. How long I have to wait to receive the product or service. If I’m getting it immediately or already have it, I don’t get a receipt. If I have to wait a while I want a receipt. If I have to wait a long while I will insist on it. If I don’t get what I paid for I want verifiable proof to double check against before I confront anybody about it. Plus having verifiable proof makes the confrontations go smoother and less jerky in general.

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