What was one of the biggest lies you were told about life when you were just a kid?

  1. “Just go to college and get a degree in whatever will hold your interest. Even if you don’t go into that field, the degree will prove that you’re trainable and you’ll get a job.”

  2. God is watching you! Every second of the day! And he knows what you are thinking too!

    Do something bad or think something bad and it’s straight to hell to burn for eternity!

    My parents were too stupid to realize this is a trick the rich people use to convince the poor not to kill them

  3. Work your ass off for any company and they will take care of you. They don’t really give a shit about you and all we do is go make someone else richer with our labor.

  4. Just mentioned this in another thread, but definitely “Men use love to get sex, women use sex to get love.”

    I had my heart broken by a couple women who just wanted to fuck — and didn’t care about “love” — before I figured out that was complete bullshit.

  5. In America we’re led to believe if you’re simply a cool guy you will get the girl. It takes more than that. A lot more.

  6. find a career you’re most passionate about

    discovered I’m most passionate about stability, good paychecks, and bennies lol

  7. Hard work pays off

    WRONG!!! you just get more work for the same amount of pay

  8. If you work hard, you’ll be successful.

    No your company will be successful while they screw you blind.

    If your a nice guy, women will love you.

    No if your a nice guy, women just shit on you and screw the bad boy down the block then bitch cause he is screwing 5 other women.

  9. “One day you can own a home!” Like that will ever happen in this economy with the current inflation rates.

  10. Kindergarten teacher: “everyone is your friend.” No ma’am. Do not lie to children about the world in ways that they know is blatantly untrue.

  11. Adulting. As teenagers we bitch&moan that we can’t wait to be – grown up – As a kid in North America we are raised (for the most part) to have summers off… Maybe have a part time job… Then BAM! You’re an adult, you need MORE education, or a job full time to pay for stuff now… Then you graduate, don’t get the dream job ya though was waiting, and what’s this now? Taxes too…. Ugh…. Need a vacation? Two weeks off… No more fall break, Xmas break, Spring break and summer bliss, it’s typically 14 days of escape… AAAAAND then there’s the REAL Neverending Story…. Dishes & Laundry! Both piles seem to be self replicating. Being a kid was awesome. Too bad we never see it at the time!

  12. “Grades equal money! College is *not* an option.” This, from my parents, neither who had a four-year degree and didn’t want my sister or I to ‘have a life like them.” Gee, maybe you’re struggling financially because you made the decision to have kids?

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