Just curious about what moments in your romantic life stand out and made the date one to remember.

Or, to all my singles homies out there, when you think of a great date, what would you like to do, want to do, or even have done for you on a date that mught make it perfect?

I find it interesting to think about considering some of the revelations on this page about confidence, about affection, etc.

  1. I just want to chat over coffee or something similar. It’s nice easy, no pressure

  2. Ideal first date? Let’s meet for coffee and if we hit it off, maybe take a walk around downtown window shopping or through a park while we chat.

    Ideal date in an established relationship? Do an activity that we both enjoy like visiting a museum, going for a hike, etc, go out to lunch or dinner (which could be a nice meal at a fancy restaurant or having a picnic on the hiking trial, whatever fits the vibe). After dinner, go back home, take a shower, and then cuddle on the couch watching a movie.

  3. Something that includes Barnes and noble with a nice dinner and wine.

  4. Ideally, we’d meet up at a convention that we’re interested in by chance. Then explore while chatting about shared hobbies. Then go back to my/her house to start watching/playing a show/game either of us recommended with some takeout.

  5. Probably something like meet at a dog park and do so well that we line out a nice dinner. Get a workout in before dinner. Have dinner. Goes so well we hit a night club/pool hall. Goes so well we hang and bang. Which goes so well, yada yada yada I die surrounded by our grandkids

  6. Meet for drinks and shared plates to chat, go bar hopping and show each other some of our favorite spots around town, then end the night at my place so I can show off some of my cocktail making skills and play video games. Making out or sex would be cool but not required.

  7. A date where we go exploring interesting urban neighbourhoods together on a streetcar/subway/light rail transit. A visit to an independent bookstore, brewery, or café along the way would also be nice.

  8. My favorite first date ever (don’t tell my wife) was just getting a coffee and walking around a college campus which she had attended but not mine. Being active helps instead of just sitting there staring at each other, and she was sharing part of her life.

    Now my favorite dates are still walking and talking, then dinner. Or more active like kayaking, hiking, biking, disc golf, etc. doing something active together while being able to still have a conversation is key.

  9. Meeting somewhere for a calm cup of coffee and then just walking around the city. Or maybe some sort of physical activity e.g running together – had a first date once where we ran 10k together, was pretty nice

  10. Favorites dates are getting boba, walking for hours, and then talking about life for hours. Then head to dinner and see what happens next.

  11. I’m not certain. I’m not liable to socialize or date to begin with.

    I find the entire concept of human companionship to be needlessly complicated and that’s why I was forced to discard it. I just don’t understand it.

  12. I took a girl out to sushi on a first day. She was so smart, interesting, and intelligent. We got coffee after, and just talked in my car until 3:00 am.

    Never wanted that date to end. She is one of the great loves of my life. But we wound up going to different states for our graduate degrees.

    I will never, ever forget her.

  13. My best dates were spontaneous and not planned. Mostly just hanging out talking and running around looking for mischief somewhere between misdemeanor and felony.

    Good times.

  14. Meet at a comedy club to secretly find out if we share the same humor, have a drink after the show and if we had a good time, go back to my place or hers for some Netflix and chill, give each other great head and fuck till the Sun comes up.

  15. Gaming until way past our bedtimes. Honestly my favorite part about dating guys over girls.

  16. First date with someone I have met before (let’s see I asked a coworker or neighbour out) would be going for cocktails.

    I don’t need anything wild happening. The girl is the star of the date for me. I want to get to know and experience *her* and not be distracted.

  17. I’m going to assume that you mean the other person is taking us on a date and the date, while expected to be enjoyed by both parties, is primarily for me. If that’s the case, then I would want to go to a really nice, old bar. Something kind of like those jazz clubs from the 40s and 50s, but with more contemporary music. Nice leather booths with a candle on every table, there’s only enough seating for maybe 50 or so people, all the bartenders are wearing suits, and there’s even a coat check room. I get to enjoy a few really nice cocktails. Maybe one or two of them are something I’ve wanted to try but are bit too complicated for me want to make at home. We have a lovely meal and a great conversation. There’s a park nearby and it’s not too late so we take a nice evening stroll and continue the night’s conversation. She’s a little chilly so I offer her my jacket. I wrap my arm around her waist when I place the jacket on her shoulders. She rests her head on my shoulder as we walk back to the car. When we get home, we both change into more comfortable house clothes. Snuggle up to each other on the couch and watch Good Will Hunting. She doesn’t care that I cry at certain parts of the movie and even holds me tighter when I do. When the movie’s over, I mix us up a couple of drinks and we put on something light to watch before going to bed.

    I’ve been single my whole life though, so I’ll just keep dreaming.

  18. Going to a cafe getting some cake and such then maybe go to an art gallery or a library

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