I’m (F20) a virgin and I plan on having sex with my boyfriend (M20) for the first time soon. I’m just a bit worried about the bleeding part as I’ve read that some girls do bleed some don’t. I’m worried because whenever we are alone it’s usually at his place and I don’t want to mess up his sheets and/or mattress and somehow putting a towel just ruins the mood? (at least it feels like it thinking about it)
What are your experiences when you lost your virginity?

  1. I did. But didn’t even notice until afterwards. Everyone is different.

    I never noticed any pain either. 🤷🏼‍♀️

  2. Hey honey, F17 over here, and let me tell u that I did not bleed a drop! Of course depends on each girl but most of the time u shouldn’t bleed first time. If ur worried bout it, don’t be embarrassed to ask to put towels down, the sexiest thing ur bf can do is do whatever u ask for in order to be as comfortable as possible during ur first time, keeping in mind that he’s comfy with it too. If u tell him to go slow, he’ll go slow, if u tell him u want it a certain way, then he’ll do it a certain way, that’s of course assuming that ur bf is considerate which seems like the case here.

    But I’d also say, lots of foreplay, the hornier and more turned on u are, the more relaxed you’ll be when it comes to the deed, if u guys just go straight for it, u might overthink it and stress and it can prevent u from enjoying the experience as it’s also a mental thing. Talk to ur bf bout it maybe, ask him if he cares if u get his sheets dirty or not (which he absolutely shouldn’t and probs only cares bout u and how u feel more than his sheets that can be easily cleaned). And also make sure u guys r using protection, whether it’s a condom or if ur gonna take some form of birth control, although I’d stick to condom, from what I’ve heard, the pill can make alota girls moody, gain weight etc because of the hormones it releases.

    Other than that, don’t even stress bout bleeding. It is what it is and I’m sure ur bf will be 100% supportive of u when u guys come to doing it. It’s also rlly good to communicate during it, that is to just check in, not 24:7 but asking each other like “ru ok?” “How does it feel?” And other shit like that. And it’s ok to laugh during it and smile, it makes the experience better. And make sure afterwards u check in with each other, no lying, no faking moans. Just be honest.

    I hope that helps 🙂

  3. I was young and really insecure about my body, so the tension made it hurt pretty badly. Regardless, I didn’t bleed.

    If you want, you can discuss it with your boyfriend. I don’t find putting down a towel all that off-putting; it’s far from uncommon for those who have sex on their period. Putting down a towel is as much of a moodkiller as putting on a condom. It might be a bit clunky, but you’re human. It’s not going to be like in the movies and that’s okay.

  4. I didn’t bleed, it didn’t even hurt and I promise you towel won’t ruin the mood, you will forget about it after a few seconds of foreplay.

  5. I was 16 and he wanted me to “prove” that i loved him. My jeans were pulled down and he just sort of tried to jam it in at an awkward angle and it kept hurting. I told him it hurt and he stopped (which at the time i thought was super romantic ‘at least he didnt rape me’🙄) later, i go to the bathroom, blood streaked all over the inside of my jeans. He didnt care.
    So yes, i bleed the first time bc
    1) i was not turned on or relaxed
    2) it was a bad angle
    3) too rough

    Now you should know that even if your hymen has already torn, you can still tear your vagina with penetration, and fingering or other things can scratch the inside.

    When i was 23 and with my current bf for the first time, i bled a tiny bit! I was so surprised bc i was riding him, i was excited, relaxed, and everything felt good, but maybe it was too much friction or that he was a bigger girth than i had before? Who knows.

    Sometimes a little blood is no big deal, and im the ‘feel like fainting at seeing too much blood’ type. If you notice a little bit of blood, but you had a good time, shrug it off. If you are in pain STOP. You do NOT have to put up with it. Vaginas clean themselves, so a little internal scratch or tear should not be a big deal, but im no doctor. If you are bleeding every time you have sex you should call your doctor.

    Make sure youre relaxed. Theres nothing embarrassing about putting down a towl or using lube or anything else that helps you relax!

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