My wife and kids are out of town so I’ve got a bachelor weekend. After work I’ll be playing Rocket League and watching UFC fights tonight. Get a little stoned or buzzed, maybe cook a ribeye and some fries for dinner. I love having *nothing* needing to be done.

I’d love to go for a hike but our weather is kinda crappy this weekend. Whatever you guys are doing, hope you enjoy it! This sub is a great community and though I mostly lurk, I appreciate all of you for your input and thoughts on here.

  1. Having another couple over for dinner. And probably drinking too much wine.

  2. Gonna go with a friend for some thrift store shopping then it’s a movie night on the lawn with a meetup. Honestly not too excited. Just expecting some light mingling.

  3. Sounds like an amazing weekend. I get at least one day a week to do this. I voiced my requests to my wife and she does an amazing job adhering to this. I do the same for her so we can make sure we have time to ourselves. A well rested dad is a better dad for his children.

  4. Gym



    Gun shop

    Motorcycle shop

    Furniture shopping

    Cancun vacation planning

    Late night motorcycle riding

    Next weekend I’m going to the museum

  5. I’m going to a museum I’ve always wanted to go to and hopefully find a funky restaurant to eat at on the way home

  6. Probably order food and play some nhl/rocket League with a buddy over some beers tonight.

    Brother and his family over for a bbq tomorrow. That’s about all for me.

  7. Finally solo for a few days, so I’m painting from dawn to dusk in a quiet flat.

  8. Spent today doing stuff around the house. Hung up wall decoration, bought more plants for indoor and garden, potted those plants. Painted my new table for in the garden.

    Also spent some time with family, cooked dinner for my mom and spend some quality time together.

    This evening I’ll be Zooming with a friend to catch up.

    Tomorrow it’s time for some small chores, and then Elden Ring,

    Have a good weekend gents!

  9. Big IT thing going on for work this weekend, so keeping an eye on that and participating as needed. Playing video games otherwise, probably mostly Riftbreaker. Might go to the Farmer’s Market tomorrow, or go see the new Thor.

  10. I’m also alone this weekend. Did a small road trip with a friend yesterday, went to the aero space museum. Something that I’ve been wanting to do. Watched tv in peace. Something for flapping before sleeping. Today went to a dog park that we’ve never been to; exploring. Now yard work and beer. Tomorrow playing Magic with friends.

  11. Tomorrow to myself so probably a bunch of housework and as long as a cycle as I can manage to get done, need to burn the carbs!

  12. * DnD with some local friends
    * Boardgames and drinks to celebrate a friends birthday
    * Saturday morning race (5k)
    * Meeting with my parents for lunch

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