My boyfriend is super rich but a nice guy. His annoying spoilt cousins always make it a point to brag and boast whenever they are around me. I am not loaded as they are which is fine by me. I don’t suffer from inferiority Complex or anything. But the bragging is annoying. And i want them to stop without me saying anything. It’s giving me anxiety.. please help

  1. Tell them how you feel?

    “I want them to stop without me saying anything”

    Lol that’s not how it works. People can’t read your mind.

  2. the village I grew up in had a couple of estates of extremely rich people, so I’ve had a certain amount of practice at this! best strategy I’ve found is to start with a cheerful-sounding verbal acknowledgement which I know they won’t find satisfying, and then effect an immediate subject change. a few example acknowledgements from least to most hostile:

    – goodness me! anyway…
    – I hope you enjoy it! anyway…
    – well I’m not sure that’s what I’d do if I had your family’s kind of money, but I hope you enjoy it! anyway…
    – yes, your family certainly does have a lot of money! anyway…

    the more hostile you go, the more you really have to nail the cheerful vibe and the speed and force of the subject change.

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