Does the criteria change for daughters and sons?

  1. Criteria does not change in the slightest. Just be there for your kids. Not just physically. Emotionally. Suppoet them. Guide them. Teach them the good that you know and how to deal with the bad in the world. Encourage them to become a better person than you are.

  2. My dad always says put yourself in other person’s shoes and see the world from their eyes.. He raised me on same principles.. Greatest dad. Love him..

  3. Spending enough time with the kids, teaching them good etiquettes, Teaching them the difference between being confident and cocky, assuring them you are a trustworthy man to whom they can talk about every day to day problem they face be it in school, music/sports classes, online, wherever, helping them to become a better version of yourself.
    The fact you are asking this question puts you at a better position that the rest of the population 😀

  4. Kids are simple, there’s no 11 secret herbs and spices here. They also “grow up” a lot more than we intentionally “raise them” I think. By that I mean they are always watching you, even when you think they aren’t paying attention. You just being a good man day to day, and them watching you add being around you, will teach them more than anything you think to say to them. It’s just be a good person, give them time and attention, the kids will do the rest.

  5. Pretty easy. Be athletic, be charismatic, be rich, be competent (at building, cooking, physical activities), be well-dressed, be fun, be funny.

    That’s all there is to it.

  6. Be involved. Coach, teach, etc.

    Sons be a teacher there going to need all the help they can get.

    Daughters be a good example of what a man should be.

  7. Being fully present and engaging, patience, and respecting your partner. This also applies for moms. Kids genders don’t matter.

  8. Teach them. To read. Count out food as you cook it, go down the shopping list. ‘We’re making quiche tonight. We have bacon at home. We need onions, eggs, cheese, onions, pie crusts’. Etc. Sink jams, let th see what you are doing

  9. Be present

    Listen, love them, be role model in loving relation with your spouse, learn to not shy away from your feelings, comfort them, cuddle them.

    Protect them, without smothering them.
    teach them open minded
    Be strict but fair

  10. Be there, and by that, I mean actually be there for your children. Get them of the computer, phone, and TV. Take them to the park, or make a Fort in the backyard. Don’t let socail media raise your children.

  11. Patience, resilience, empathy, discipline, unconditional love. Obviously money helps too.

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