Teenager here

Just asking, my friends never ask me to hang out. They go and play football down the park, they all live in my village, yet never invite me to go and play, which obviously makes me feel left out. Is there a reason? Do they not like me much?

Also, my other group don’t really hang out with me, they hang out with another person, but they do weed which I’m not interested in. I was friends with one of them when they fell out with our friend group, but now we are all friends again said person kind of neglects me, doesn’t talk to me as much, which again makes me feel left out. Reason for this?

  1. Don’t even worry about them, focus on being the best version of you – then people will naturally gravitate towards you.

    Teenage years can be tough, kids can be cruel.

    Don’t go where you are tolerated, go where you are celebrated.

  2. One way to approach this is, improve your football skills. Maybe join your school’s football practice?

  3. It’ok. They not your real friends. Dont push. Focus on yourself. Do what teen do- search who you are, make decision, make mistakes. Live your life buddy 💪

  4. It’ok. They not your real friends. Dont push. Focus on yourself. Do what teen do- search who you are, make decision, make mistakes. Live your life buddy 💪

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