To clarify, not PIV sex. We have been together 2 years but haven’t had PIV sex which is a long story in itself and not what this post is about, but we’ve done pretty much everything else sexually.

I’ve noticed during “sexy time” that my boyfriend will start going like just a bit soft, not completely and still remains erect but I can feel him losing some “hardness” while I’m jerking him off. We’re both each other’s firsts so I’m not sure if this is normal with every guy or if he has a hard time maintaining a constant erection??? It does go back completely hard again eventually, but neither of us have ever mentioned it.

We are both VERY young, though still adults, and he has a VERY low sex drive, like once every 1-2 months, we have to literally plan out our sex every week and which days we’re going to do it in order for us to actually have it as it’s very important to me and apart of my love language so once every 1-2 months Would literally never work for me and I’d be miserable, but if we never planned it he would only want it once every 1-2 months.. I’ve always kind of wondered if his testosterone levels were off because of his low sex drive and the fact that he seems to lose some hardness off and on during sexy time but once again, I’m not sure if this is normal or not?

  1. People have low sex drives he may be on the spectrum of asexual. Hands get rough so lubrication is a must. At the end consider the relationship if you want more… im sorry.

  2. If I was going to guess I would say he is over the 2 years of intimacy without ever having sex and has lost interest in the non PIV stuff because that’s all it ever is.

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