I feel so stupid and can’t stop beating myself up

So I went to walk the hiking trails at a state park, went further out on the trails than I ever have – got totally lost. I could see from where I was, that there was a road like a 15-20 minute walk away, but I thought it was a highway and I kept thinking to myself, well who knows how far Id have to walk to get to the nearest gas station or something. I know I sound like an idiot but I had already been walking around for a couple hours when I got to where I could see the road again, and it was 85 degrees. I had a really bad week, wasn’t thinking clearly and was panicked over being lost. But turns out it was a regular residential road, I literally could’ve just walked up to the road, walked to the nearest gas station and got an Uber back to my car.

I was panicking – I kept going back and forth between the trails and started yelling “help! Can someone hear me?” “I’m lost I don’t know where I am!”. I keep looking back on this and cringing soooo hard. Its not like I was in the middle of the wilderness or something. I also yelled “I can’t believe this is happening!!!” a couple times. Then I came across a biker, I frantically asked him while holding back tears “do you know how to get back to the parking lot?” He kept asking if I was okay and at one point I said “yeah I’m just scared!”. I feel like he must think I am such an awkward weirdo. he told me that I was about 3 miles from the main parking lot, then said he lives down the road, so to just go up to the road and he’ll get his car and give me a ride back. Which he did, I know it was probably dangerous to get a ride from a stranger but he turned out to just be a normal guy that wanted to help

When I got into my car and looked into the mirror, my face was beet red. Now I know why he kept asking if I’m feeling okay, I looked like I was about to pass out. I’m really thankful to the guy who helped me but I feel so humiliated over how dumb I was

  1. Shit happens to everyone at some point. Better to ask for help than to panic silently and make a series of bad decisions that could do even more damage. Forgive yourself by using it as a learning experience. What will you do differently next time?

  2. Just let yo self think about it. Shit will only linger longer if you supress it. Just live with it for a bit lol

  3. What would you think if you were that man? If it were me, I would have been glad that I could help a person. Shit happens, but if you would meet a person in the same situation, you would not think too harsh of them, would you?

    You did well. Even if there could have been another solution, you mastered your problem and got home safely 🙂

  4. Awwww honey it’s ok. People die getting lost hiking. Give yourself a break. It’s not like you’ll ever see any of them again.

  5. People say that our lives are a book, so I like to close my eyes and visualize myself tearing out the page that has all the most recently embark moment and throw it in the trash and tell my self that page is gone and I don’t need it anymore.

  6. You got scared, which was completely rational for the situation you found yourself in, and you acted like someone who was scared. That’s fine and understandable. I think passleh had a good point about putting yourself in the guy’s shoes.

    but also: this happens. You are not the first person to get lost hiking. You are not the first person to need help finding their way back to their car. I’m sure people have been lost in the woods closer to the way out than you were!

    Please don’t beat yourself up about it. I know that I would feel silly/dumb for the same situation, too, but that feeling isn’t giving yourself the benefit of a bit of grace.

  7. Shit happens. There’s no point feeling shame.

    Put your energy into being better prepared for your next hike with weather forecasts, water, and maps.

  8. Glad you’re alright. Always go prepared for more than you expect, especially when hiking solo. Carry a pack with extra water, food, rain gear, compass, and other supplies. Don’t rely on your phone as it won’t last and may not have signal. Google “hiking ten essentials”. Carry bear spray if you’re hiking in bear territory. Learn from this and get back out there again.

  9. You absolutely did the right thing by calling out. Heat exhaustion is serious, so getting help was the SMART thing to do.
    You did great.
    Pat yourself on the back.

  10. Try to change your view on situations like this. This could easily be reworded into a funny story to tell to friends. I don’t think it comes across as pathetic, you were alone in the middle of nowhere so getting panicked is pretty reasonable 🙂

  11. Pretend this happened to the person you love most in the world. Pretend they cant forgive themselves. What would you say to your loved one?
    Now say that to yourself.

  12. If that’s the worst that happens that’s nothing!

    Laugh it off. Send that man a legit paper thank you card since you know where he lives.

  13. Avid hiker here, I would have been happy to help and glad you asked for help. It seems like it wasn’t a big deal because you found help. If you had not found help you could easily still be lost out there. As far as that guy is concerned he helped someone who got lost out in the woods, that’s it.

  14. I’m sorry you’re beating yourself up over this.

    From my perspective you have nothing to be embarrassed about. You did the best thing you could in the situation and you’ve had the best outcome.

    A friend of mine told me the story of how he went hiking once on a downhill track. It was an easy walk down but he didn’t account for how much longer it would take to walk back to the top and get back to his car. Guess what? He ran out of water very quickly and became utterly exhausted and dehydrated on the way back up. He had more water in the car waiting for him but ended up spending hours longer than he anticipated hiking back up.
    He (obviously) made it back and lived to tell the tale, but he said the worst part of the story was that he passed so many people on his trek back up and was too proud to ask for help / water. He got himself in a really dangerous situation and let pride get in the way of asking for help.

    You did everything you’re meant to when you get lost on a trail.

  15. We all need a good scare every now and then, to keep us from doing more stupid things.

  16. Don’t sweat it champ. That guy’s probably just wondering whether you’re ok. You not getting lost in the wilderness or abducted calls for celebration in my books

  17. Wifey and I got similarly lost many years ago. Lake. Cops. Rain. Boss. Embarrassment. Beavers.

    Own it.

    The answer you want = time.

  18. Sounds like a panic attack. Glad you were able to find help and get yourself out of there. Sometimes it can get worse from there so good on you not going farther. Shit happens and that person is probably just happy to have helped.

  19. Oh my goodness, don’t feel stupid for a second!!! This is a completely normal thing. You should be proud of yourself for calling out for help! Would be a heck of a lot stupider if you were still lost on that trail now, right?!

  20. Dude I got lost in a hospital after being given very clear directions on where to go because I got overwhelmed. Get off the wrong floor from the elevator all the time.

    What you did was smart and I’m glad you’re okay.

  21. Not embarrassing at all! You’re out in unfamiliar nature, with few landmarks to guide you- it’s easy to take the wrong turn, or forget which way you came from. I’m sure he was happy to be able to help you, and later was able to feel good about helping someone that day.

  22. Don’t worry about it. It feels good to help out. A little personal anecdote. So this last thanksgiving was the first Thanksgiving without my sister whom passed away a year ago . I couldn’t bare to celebrate as I was incredibly close to her and it was around that time she told us she had terminal cancer. Not wanting to be home and too anxious to be around anyone not to mention my heart ache, I decided to go to a state park for a late night hike. I went and poured my heart out for what seemed an eternity, but feeling I had communicated to her how much I truly missed her. I calculated that I had about 45 min of daylight left to make it back to my car with a two and a half hour hike ahead of me I started it on my journey. I know this hike and trail like the back of my hand and went about my way. An hour into walking back I spot three very scared women who asked me where they were, telling them how to get back to their car they seemed really confused still. So I told them that if they wanted to follow me back to my car I would gladly give them a ride to the parking lot their car was at. They obliged and I was glad they did because the temperature was dropping quickly and they had already been out and lost six hours! They hadn’t eaten so I offered them snacks and their doggy some food and water. I took them back to their car and glad I did as they were way off course and practically on the other side of the mountain. They thanked me and offered to pay for my gas and troubles but I couldn’t accept. My father told me you never ever accept payment for a good deed and do it sincerely from the heart. That Is something I always loved and admired about my sister, she was a kind and generous person. So don’t be ashamed. Maybe he was there for a reason, he was there to help and I’m sure he was glad he did so.

  23. I got lost in a Sams Club once and had to ask to directions to the front doors and I was holding back tears…I was embarrassed but I bet they don’t even remember. Seriously don’t feel bad at all, you did good by asking for help!

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