I’m a pretty reserved guy. So this random dude at a reading room started shouting at me for keeping this metal card on his laptop which was on my chair beside, telling me if it was a trash can for me put anything on it.

I was so shocked to see his reaction and I couldn’t utter words at the moment because it all happened so fast. I’ve never known this guy before and it din’t hit me until he left and I started sulking at myself for not being able to say anything back at him. I was making all those witty comebacks and picturing a verbal fight in my head the entire time but it was probably too late for that.

How do you manage disrespect from anyone and what you say in such moments.

  1. I think this is a personality thing. Situations like that happen so fast.. for me, my mouth fires back before I get a chance to process what’s happening. Before I know it, I’m in a verbal duel. It’s probably better to be the kind of person who avoids conflict and walks away.

  2. You were disrespectful of someone else’s expensive property. The correct response would have been a quick, sincere apology

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