Sometimes, when we are in a serene peaceful environment, like the other day we visited a pond and were sitting on the pier and I gave her a kiss and she opened her arms for a hug. She is soo slim compared to my body size; I just want to never let go of her. Her body gives me comfort. I dream of playing that ‘Hug for 4 min straight’ game with her but never could muster that courage. Our relationship is relatively new anyway. (6 m)

Am I overthinking because if she’s comfortable with me, she wouldn’t object right? But I don’t want to put her in a tight spot either wherein she can’t refuse me out of embarrassment and is forced to do it while being in discomfort?

tldr; I have qualms about making a weird request to my gf. Kindly help

  1. Firstly, it’s not a weird request as such, it’s pretty normal to enjoy affection.

    Secondly, try saying something romantic like “I wish we could stay like this all day” or “it feels so good to have you in my arms- you can stay there as long as you like”.

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