Brothers moving across the country, sisters moving out, parents are getting older. My immediate family is all I have. Feeling crushed and alone lately. I kno there’s more and worse to come but how do I properly manage ? Besides bawling my eyes out in traffic or privacy

  1. You learn the reality that at some point you will start going to more funerals than weddings.

  2. You don’t really get used to it, but you manage because you have to keep going……for you.

  3. Everything erodes away. You can’t tread water, you have to swim. You can make things last only if you are willing to always keep building as fast as the world erodes to it away.

    You have a family you are born into, but you also build more family out of the other people in your life. Get into the habit of building, all the time. You build more family, not just for you, but so those others also have more family.

    Learn to network, reach out, become part of other people’s worlds. Also, do what it takes to stay in touch with the family you have.

    Finally, realize it’s never in your control. Either you will leave them, or they will leave you. Don’t take today for granted, but don’t be afraid of tomorrow.

  4. It’s not all bad, that’s just kinda how it goes. You’ll learn to be happy. Everyone in their twenties thinks they’re invincible until the crushing reality of aging sets in.

  5. At least you got your immediate family. I have a girlfriend and my son half time. No advice, but you’re not alone in your feelings?

  6. I live by myself. Nearest family is on the other side of the country.

    Spend time with them when you can.

    Learn to enjoy being you and doing things that you enjoy by yourself.

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