So I’m a woman and read a lot of y’all’s post on here and a lot of them are about how you don’t know if a girl likes you or not because she is giving mix signals. Here is some of the best advice you can get: A lot of the time( not all of the time ) woman give mixed signals when we don’t know how we actually feel about you yet. Like we are not sure if we like you yet, so we are going to hint maybe we do but we don’t know fully yet, so we aren’t going to give full blown hints. The best thing you can do as man is act interested because she’s going to feel a lot more comfortable if she knows you like her and will probably be more Direct.

  1. I disagree with this. If a woman is giving me mixed signals, I don’t waste time or energy with it. If I’ve shown initial interest and she’s hot/cold with me after, I’ll go look for someone with high interest.

  2. Eh, nope. I disagree. A woman giving mixed signals is a turn off for me, especially if I am showing clear interest (initiating contact, wanting to see her, wanting to get to know her, etc.) Also I assume her mixed signals are her having an avoidant attachment style (fearful avoidant or dismissive avoidant). No thank you.

  3. All my experiences with mixed signals from women ended in them leading on and not being interested.

    Disagree, if she doesn’t at least match your interest then get out because it’s a waste of your time.

  4. Nope. You don’t want anyone who’s giving you mixed signals. You either act right or we move on. Why waste time/stress if someone is into you or not? Best advice I can give is to ask the the other person to hang out after 2 weeks of talking/texting. By their response to that, you will get the clear message if they’re into you or not. 👍🏽

  5. If a woman gives mixed signals, they are either not interested or they are interested but too immature. That’s all there is too it.

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