As you may know. Uber Drivers have to touch their phone to accept jobs when the phone is mounted. The new law mentions drivers cannot “accessing an app” as I recall, this also includes Uber. If I touch my phone to accept jobs will i get 6 points / £200 fine?

  1. You’ve answered your own question, and far from Uber drivers being “safe”, I think this is precisely the kind of thing the government is looking to crack down on by tightening this law.

  2. This doesn’t affect anything that is not hand held.

    If it’s in a cradle, it’s not handheld.

  3. The law only concerns holding a device.

    If you’re not holding it you can do whatever you like so long as you’re in full control of your vehicle and driving with due care and attention.

  4. The law on mobile phone usage in the UK for years now has been if you need to use your phone then you pull over and remove the keys from the ignition. It takes seconds to do this and will allow you to accept jobs safely and legally on your app.

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