(22M) I’ve had a lot less success in the dating game these past few months and I’m thinking that it’s because I gained weight. For context I went from 6’ 2” and 195lbs to 225lbs and there’s been noticeably less people interested in me. Is that height and weight really that overweight? Am I too overweight for most girls to be interested?

  1. According to your BMI that is overweight. If you have protruding belly fat that would confirm it. And yes, being overweight significantly decreases your chances at dating, especially if you’re exclusively going after girls that have healthy bodies.

  2. Weight is unconsciously a representation of health and stability, which is not bad if we don’t judge others based on it. Where I’m going with this, is that weight allows people see a future with this person and to feel that as they taking care of themselves, they in a good position to have something else. Of course they are people who are gonna be interested, but if you don’t feel confident enough to see that, maybe you’re the one who is going to hard on yourself. It’s really not about looks, it really is about confidence, trust and happiness.

  3. Yeah I gained a few stone and lost a lot of interest from females, I still pick them up but it’s like 2 in 10 rather than 6 in 10 I was getting before. If you’re not happy with how you look then do something about it and use getting girls interested as added motivation.

  4. It is also correlated with confidence. If you feel less confident approaching women, then yes it will be reflected more in that than the weight.

  5. It’s absolutely the weight. If I don’t know a guy I’m going to exclude those who aren’t in better shape

  6. It’s a confidence thing. If you’ve put a lot of your confidence in your physical appearance, which it sounds like you have because you’ve identified THIS aspect to post about, then it will reflect subconsciously when that part of you isn’t where you want it.

    Thermodynamics man, just put the fork down and pick the weights up, you’ve done it before you can do it again! You got this. But honestly, if someone is strictly dating you for physical attributes is that someone you want to be with anyway? Looks so fade my dude.. for both genders.

  7. If you’re overweight then yes you will have a difficult time in the dating scene.

  8. Since guys are the ones expected to initiate conversations and dates it’s common for them to look for a reason why they are going through a slump.

    Sometimes it’s one’s own decrease in confidence that affects how they engage with others.

    When they don’t feel like they look their best it shows.

    ***”Nothing kills a dream like low self-esteem.”*** – Bruce Thissen

    Nevertheless, if you go to any public place such as an amusement park, mall, movie theatre, grocery store, park, beach, or church, you’re going to see guys of sizes/shapes with girlfriends and wives.

    Most people you meet don’t become dates, most dates don’t become relationships, and most relationships don’t lead to marriage. As one old adage goes: “Many are called but few are chosen.”

    ***”Every time I thought I was being rejected from something good, I was actually being re-directed to something better.”*** – Steve Maraboli

    ***”Dating is primarily a numbers game…. People usually go through a lot of people to find good relationships. That’s just the way it is.”*** – Henry Cloud

    Best wishes!

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