I used to be pretty nerdy. I liked pokemon, yu gi oh and magic. But I felt like i only liked that stuff because I was to shy to put my self out there. So I stayed safe and stuck to card games and nerdy stuff.

But even when I did nerdy stuff I felt unengaged. I was just doing it because it was safe and my family was doing it too.

But I got older and wanted to socialize more, and so I ventured Into my horizons. I started making friends who’s interests aren’t nerdy. I started taking more social risk and it changed my life completely.

But now that I haven’t done anything nerdy in so long, when I hang out with my brothers when they are playing cards, I start feeling anxious. I’m not sure why.

Does anyone else feel this way?

1 comment
  1. Yeah. It’s because you no longer identify with being a nerd. I was the same way, grew up with comics, video games and manga. However, I got out of my hometown, went in the military and had alot of different experiences, social and otherwise, that made me realize ONLY being a nerd is not good for my own lifestyle. I hang out with some of my other friends who are still mostly the same, but when I do, I can’t connect with them, because their still playing cards, not being social/improving at all.

    If your like me, your abit more of a casual, where you like certain nerdy things. You just can’t get into the lifestyle or 100% be apart of that group anymore. You can still like them and hang out with then, but there is always going to be that distance now.

    You have to find the people with whatever interests you have now. Believe me, that’s much more easier said than done. But it’s the truth.

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