Hi i am 20(M), My parents always used to fight during my childhood and it always made me sad so i discovered music as a way of escape. I listen to music all the time, I need music to study or do any work, I don’t feel like listening to classes at all, I imagine music playing in my mind or just keep humming during my classes and listening to music in earphones all the time is also effecting my ears I guess. I am kind of an introvert so it’s difficult to have conversations but even when I do I don’t clearly hear what they are saying, I am always like “aaah what did u say? “Are my ears getting bad or it’s just due to anxiety? My music addiction is getting out of control these days as I will just lay around listening to music. I listen to music when I am happy, sad or bored.
It might be a bit off topic in this group but i need some suggestions on how get out of this addiction or make it less.
Sry if my english is bad not my native language.

  1. music isn’t that bad but if you worry throw in some other things to take your attention. like reading and focus on the words.

  2. It may seem counterintuitive but I think lean into it. Start playing an instrument. It will quickly soon become work and you will moderate yourself, or else your obsession will lead to you being amazing at something.

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